TO everyone who has a teenie concern about food and Gleevec:

I have been on Gleevec since April 2003.  I am alive and kicking
because of it.  So, I look the other way to side effects.

I am the throw up queen while on 600 mg of Gleevec from 2003-2005.
Once reduced to 400 mg, I remained almost the throw up queen.  I never
knew what would trigger this dimension of the Gleevec paradigm!  I am
now on 250 mg., experimental, to which I must be tested every three
months by Dr. Druker and under my local oncologists's office here in
Miami…so do not do this on your own!!!  It is not a tested, not a
common thing to do…just happened to have worked out for me!  So every
3 months, I now subject myself to the wonderful PCR blood draw to be
sent up to Oregon to Dr. Druker and depending on the facilities
available to do this other test, I need to have a Gleevec PK level

Even on 250 mg, undetectable, I STILL have side effects.  BUT I just
dealt with them.  I say that it is better than running out of options
like taking another medication.  Dr. Druker said to me on several
occasions, that we should explore switching to another medication but
we discussed this in great detail with my husband by my side.  It was
always decided NOT to switch--"if it ain't broke, don't go fixing
it".  So, with Dr, Druker's help and his assistant, Carolyn, we found
other options to reduce the side effects.  You name it, I have had
them all EXCEPT the rash!  Dr. Druker wrote about me in Blood magazine
(could not use my name but told me I would recognize who it was!!!)
and how every medication needs to be tailored to each individual

In 2004, I had to finally go on the potassium sparing Lasix but I had
so much fluid retention, this did not work and had to be placed on the
regular Lasix.  I ran a low grade temperature for 101 for many days in
2003, with everyone telling me that I was getting sick---NOT!  That
was part of the bone pain…only thing that took that away was the
Celebrex…once under control they stopped the Celebrex cold turkey on
me…found out that you could not do that with Susan…had to be titrated

I have found a trigger in the morning for throwing up…bananas!!!  Just
in the morning.  I can have them any other time!!!

I have recently lost 41 pounds (not a Gleevec side effect---a Weight
Watchers one!!!!  Took 8-9 months!) and have found that I feel MUCH
better.  This past week I had TWO, not one, eye bleeds.  That is my
only reminder, physically, that I have CML.  The eye bleeds are
certainly an annoyance.  especially while teaching and the students
asking me about them.  I tell them I have no idea where they came

So, besides feeling tired most of the time (not from pain), I am
certainly VERY happy to be alive and telling others what to do (Tee-

I have been through the pain route too and did not know what it was
within 21 days of beginning Gleevec,  I have a HIGH pain threshold so
this was all so new to me in 2003.  In fact whiten the first 24 hours,
I had spoken to Dr. Druker and was told it was too early to tell
anything.  I knew at that time, I was going to be in trouble with a
whole lot of problems.  It turned out to be bone pain (i.e.:  I could
not walk, I could not lift a toothbrush up to my mouth, etc. I could
not even explain this to t the doctors so that they understood what I
was experiencing...)  and had to be put on Celebrex with stopping
Gleevec.  Gleevec was stopped for only 4 days once I realized what was
happening and since I did not want that type of pain again, I BEGGED
to be put back on the Gleevec but would only let me start with 200 mgs
and work up to 600 mg again.

After becoming transfusion dependent  (requiring a blood transfusion
every 4-6 weeks)  and completing my 10th transfusion, Dr. Druker said
enough is enough…and we finally did a PK level---discovering that I
had reached a toxic state with Gleevec.  Even 300 mg was TOO much for
my body!  We tried alternating 200 one day and 300 mg the next day.
But the PK levels would show about a year later that when I had the PK
done (by accident) after a 200 dosage---I was not in therapeutic range…
we retested with the 300 dosage and I was fine….thus the 250 mg dosage

I am not "sneezing" on any one of your side effects.  I am just very
knowledgeable about them all (except the rash….how I missed that one---
I do not know but from what I have been told, I am sure glad I did not
get it!!!!)

Every time, Dr. Druker sees me, he says "How did you ever make it
through those years????"  We all smile and hug and say it was a
survival technique that seemed to work with his help and Carolyn's
and, of course, my husband’s! I will be seeing him again this October
6th!!!  He is truly amazing and I was so lucky to have him!  Dr.
Druker has placed me in his upper scale of 10% with side effects!!!

So, my only new side effect is with a carotid artery---my left
interior carotid artery is 50% to 60% blocked.  Nothing else is wrong…
my heart is perfect and so are all the other arteries.  I wrote Dr.
Druker because I know the left ventricular artery to the heart can be
affected.  So, since this is a very common issue, it cannot be tied
back to the Gleevec…it is just odd that this particular artery is

So, I am writing this to all you warriors, letting you know that I
have been around since 2003 with CML…still loving life and loving
Gleevec…it is kind of a "love-hate" relationship.

When I hear that others HAD to switch, I feel so bad for them because
that is one more option that you are taking away from yourselves.  It
gives me great solace to know that I have many options out there if
Gleevec should ever stop working for me.  Side effects are just
annoyances and with a wonderful happy spirit, anyone can overcome
them!  I smiled through the horrible years…I even smiled through
throwing up---just made for a VERY bad morning---but without humor,
life sucks!  Keep up those chins and smile…there is a chemical that is
released every time you smile and that alone makes you feel better,
trust me…been there, done that…just like the rest of you!

Have a wonderful weekend!!!

Susan Rosenthal

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