Dear all,

>From the rainy Netherlands I wish you very pleasant and peaceful 
>Christmas'days and of course a Nrw Year with only positive results concerning 
>our common ennemy CML. Since I was diagnosed in early 2003, just before being 
>transferred to Italy, this group has been of great support (and it still is). 
>Being abroad the infornation on this site helped a lot and I even met a Dutch 
>fellow patient on this group, who appeared to have had the same (colon) cancer 
>previous to the CML and who became the chief editor of the Dutch CML Patients 
>magazine, of which I became a member of the editorial board after having 
>coming back to the Netherlands.
I am still on Gleevec (600 mg) and finally the two last pcr/abl checks had the 
result desired for such a long time: leucemia not detectable. I keep my fingers 
crossed for the next exams in January.... 
The messages on this site are wonderful, they really give hope and support; 
thank you, all of you! 
Actually I am living partly in the Netherlands and partly in the south of 
France, from where I regularly go to Italy.
If you want to see me, I invite you to follow the following link (short movie 
in Dutch with English subtitles)

I never thought that I would have a part in a movie, but because I think it is 
very important to give hope especcialy to new patients, just like this group 
does, I decided to figure in this movie, hoping that it will help our new 
All the best to everyone, keep thinking positive!


A support group of

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