Patrick, that's more H.P. then a stock Corvette.  A stock  Corvette I think 
has 450 H.P.  The ZR1 Corvette has 638 supercharged H.P.  The CTS I think 
is supercharger also.  I've been getting 1/2 c.c. of  testosterone shots 
every two weeks for over 20 years, I wonder if that could be  making my levels 
slowly rise?
In a message dated 11/9/2013 6:51:01 P.M. Eastern Standard Time, writes:

'14 Vette? Aaarughh Aaarughh Aaarughh might be time to consider a "coupe" 
_CTS-V_ ( ? Don't  know that 
you can improve a test in 2 weeks but drinking  water is important for kidney 

On Saturday, November  9, 2013 4:39:38 PM UTC-6, greenie wrote:  
Hi Patrick, We do have a reverse osmosis filter on our  sink.  I am going 
to use Lemon juice and put a little in each bottle  that I drink to see if 
that helps.  Boy, when you get hooked on  something like a can of coke it's 
hard to stop but I'll do  it.  If I drink more water do you think that will 
help me on my  creatinine test in two weeks?  Of course I get a lot of cramps, 
legs,  hands, etc., and I was told by someone that they can make a 
different  on you blood work.  I don't know now true that is and of course my  
Doctor doesn't say much.  I dropped a flash light on my foot last week  and it 
was bruised and very sore and he wanted me to go get X-rays on  it.  No way, 
It will get better on it's own.  It's all about  money, tests, X-rays, 
appointments, do you have insurance. Great I need to  get me a new BMW.  Of 
theirs nothing wrong with having a  BMW.  I have to go now and get me some 
lotto tickets, maybe I'll win  and get that BMW, forget the BMW I'll buy me 
a new 2014  Corvette.
Thanks again,
In a message dated 11/9/2013 4:34:14 P.M. Eastern Standard Time, 
_patrickemai...@yahoo.pat_ (javascript:)   writes:

Hey Greenie, I'm thinking you need to try some  better tasting water. If 
you don't like the idea of bottled water a  reverse osmosis filter will give 
you great tasting, clean water. Even if  they sort of resemble a high-school 
science project under the  sink.  

On Saturday, November 9,  2013 7:14:11 AM UTC-6, greenie wrote:  
Hi Group, I had my 6 month blood work performed last  Wed. and my results 
came back O. K. put my creatinine levels were high  again.  Back in 1997 I 
found some of my blood work and the results  were 1.3.  Over the years and 
being on Gleevec for over 13 years my  levels range between 1.2 to 1.4 all the 
time.  The last 6 months in  May it went up to 1.5. and last Wed. it went up 
to 1.6.  My  Internist wants be to get blood work in 2 weeks and depending 
on the  results then he wants me to get and us renal sonogram to see what's  
going on.  I'm  not one for drinking a lot of fluids, in the  morning I 
have two cups of coffee, at lunch I have a can of coke, at  dinner I have 
another can of coke then before bed time when I take my  blood pressure pill I 
will drink some water.  I know that I should  be drinking more fluids put I 
don't like water.  So my wife went  out and purchased a case of water with 
favor in it.  I will drink a  beer maybe 3 to 4 times a month with dinner but 
no hard stuff.  I  don't smoke gave that up many years ago. If anyone have 
some input as to  what I can do to lower my counts.  I only have to get blood 
work  every 6 months, if fact my Doctor in Chicago told me in May when I 
went  to see her she said that I only have to get my blood work when I come to  
see her.  I asked her if it would be O. K. if I did it once a year  down 
here in Florida that way I know what's going on every 6  months.  Let's face 
it we all worry some what about what's going on  in how bodies.  That would 
make me feel better cause I'm  worried.  
Take care,

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