Yay, Marty, I'm so glad you are implementing and that I could bless YOU for a 
change, :-)
You always bless me!


Susan F. Zimmerman

-----Original Message-----
From: Marty Gartenberg <wa2...@gmail.com>
To: cmlhope <cmlhope@googlegroups.com>
Sent: Mon, Jan 6, 2014 10:46 pm
Subject: Re: [CMLHope] Millie

Hi Susan,

My first entry into that jar.

Thank you GOD for giving me and my family this day... January 6 2014.



On Mon, Jan 6, 2014 at 7:51 PM, Susan Zimmerman <rszim0...@aol.com> wrote:

Hey all you blood brothers and sisters,

I have a great idea which I am implementing this year.  For the New Year, my 
husband and I have a "Blessings Jar" that we are putting good things that 
happen to us in the jar.  Since we did not have a big pickle jar, we are using 
the holiday popcorn can we bought at Walmart.  Write down anything good that 
happens to you, and date it....keep adding all year, and at the end of the 
year, re-read them and rejoice over how good your life is.  Also if you have a 
down day, you can bring out the jar and read the good things!

I'm adding my first one today.  It is going to say something like this:  Jan. 
6th was declared an emergency day with sub-zero temps.  My hubby got to stay 
home with me, and enjoy a slower pace.  This was a great blessing!

Just thought I'd share and encourage you all to join me if you'd like!

18's and Best to you in 2014,

"Look among the nations and watch; be utterly astounded!  For I will work a 
work in your days which you would not believe, though it were told you."  Hab. 

-----Original Message-----
From: bkbarney <bkbar...@aol.com>
To: cmlhope <cmlhope@googlegroups.com>
Sent: Mon, Jan 6, 2014 7:05 pm
Subject: Re: [CMLHope] Millie

Dear MIllie,
I think keeping Christmas up for as long as possible is a good thing..if it 
pleases you and brings you joy,, wait a little while longer!!!! I am glad you 
are working with your doctors and advocating for yourself around the pain 
issues...Perhaps they will be able to find somethings that in combination will 
help alleviate your pain to give you more quality of life. I sure hopeso.. 
great news that your liver is stable as is your CML on 1/2 a dose. Taking a nap 
and elevating the feet sounds like a good idea, glad you did this today...It's 
mighty cold in Chicago...way cold....like -17 with a windchill of -40...no 
schools open  today, and I called of work......still in my jammies....haven't 
done this in a very long time....had a leisurely day...and will have a lovely 
night....writing notes, talking to friends via the phone....my cml results came 
bacl .00063, up from Septembers, .0004  but expected because I had to go off 
sprycel for 6 weeks, then re-uptake. I asn only on the meds for 3.5 weks before 
we did the blood work..so hopefully, I will be undetectable again....before I 
go off for my back surgery scheduled for February 3rd. AS it gets closer, I'll 
sk everyone to say a prayer that day...that I have no complications, and all 
goes smoothly!  I sahre this because I understand how much easier it would be 
if we, all of us that struggle with multiple complex issues besides CML...could 
only have one thing to focus on...instead, we rely on our good faith, humor, 
and eachother to see us through...Hang in there MIllie,

Thinking of you and all my CML'ers out there....hope the New Year is starting 
off well for all of you...

-----Original Message-----
From: C.M. Houtz <ho...@ptd.net>
To: cmlhope <cmlhope@googlegroups.com>
Sent: Mon, Jan 6, 2014 5:27 pm
Subject: Re: [CMLHope] Millie

.Hi Susan... and Beth, Thank you for your concern.  I have been after all of my 
doctors to address this pain problem for years.  I did go to pain management at 
one time, but it finally stopped working.  Those injections were given in the 
hip and back areas and just stopped working, but maybe they will work this 
time.  It all depends on where they put the needle.  I've had it help for 
months, and then again, not at all.  It isn't an exact science when it comes to 
the injections.  After that, they just wanted me to go onto stronger meds. and 
that isn't something I want to pursue because there will come a time when I'm 
going to need those drugs, and if I take them now, they probably won't work at 
some point.  It's not because I've left this problem go, as I have talked to 
all of my doctors about the pain I'm in.  Today I woke up with the same type of 
pain in my legs.  I've nursed them all day, and went upstairs this afternoon 
and laid down as I figured that elevating them wouldn't hurt.  It didn't and I 
believe it helped some.  
I was going to take Christmas down today, but just couldn't do it.  I'm still 
enjoying it so much.  Oh well, tomorrow is another day and one of these days, 
I'll surprise myself and get the job done.
There is nothing they can do for the liver.  It is what it is.  It actually 
hasn't gotten any worse, but I've cut out a lot of things that could have 
caused it.  I'm on so many meds that it frightens me at times.  I have had 
congestive heart failure twice, so am on medication for that.  I have a thyroid 
condition, so take a med for that too.  I have diabetes so am on a small dose 
of meds for that. I have CML, so I take Tasigna for that.  I must take a great 
amount of vitamin D as that's depleted, and they also have me on Calcium for my 
bones.  I take one med for high cholesterol and the also have me on prednison, 
which doesn't seem to be touching my pain.  I might wean myself off of that, 
but will talk to the doctors first.  If it's out there, I think I stand in line 
to get it :>)....I'm laughing, but it really isn't funny.  Just another way I 
have to deal with things.  I am a fighter, so will not give up on life.  It's 
not what I'm about.  I promise you that I'll do everything possible to stay 
around.  I think I still have work to do before I go.
You take care of  yourselves, and know how much I appreciate your thoughts and 
prayers.  It is wonderful having  you all in my corner.  
Hugs and 18's

----- Original Message ----- 
From: Susan Zimmerman 
To: cmlhope@googlegroups.com 
Sent: Saturday, January 04, 2014 6:30 PM
Subject: Re: [CMLHope] Millie

Dear Millie,

Wow, that was an interesting post for everyone!  So glad your primary is going 
to set something up.  Don't let it go by and get buried in her busywork.  You 
will probably find something out that can RELIEVE this pain, but ONLY if you 
pursue it.  I am ELATED you are pursuing this problem!!!  Thanks for all the 
explanation of what you cannot have, which also explains why nothing has been 
done thus far.  I just don't want you to have to suffer, my dear one.  And with 
what they are saying about your liver, I would not worry about getting "hooked" 
on anything that will help you.  They will not deny you help for your pain in 
this lifetime, I'm sure of it!!!  And I am not a person who runs to the pills.  
I am on very few prescription meds, only two actually.  I take a lot of 
supplements, however. 

Also the hip problems....if they could be treated with shots, that would be 
wonderful.  My husband got one shot in his shoulder for his arthritis which 
helped tremendously for about six months.  Any relief is better than none.  I 
know they also evaluate what it will do to your liver disease as well.  

If the doc says you are doing well on half a dose for CML, then Praise God and 
do not give it another thought. As you know, I've been off all meds for going 
on seven years, due to having brain bleeds when I take it.  If you are doing 
well on half a dose, you need not worry ONE BIT about your CML.  This last week 
I had some kind of stomach virus, which gave me a run to the toilet way too 
frequently.  I was worried I had gone out of balance with the CBC for white, 
red and platelets.  I went to doc (just so he would give me a CBC) and heard 
the news today that it was fine.  HOORAY!  I still need to go back to Chicago 
for a bcr/abl test, but can somewhat relax that I'm not out of hematological 

I got quite a chuckle out of your grandson who is a troublemaker.  I just 
returned from visiting my 2 and 5 yr old grandchildren for one day.  That 
two-year old causes more trouble and frustration for everyone and I'm chalking 
it up to his age.  The 5 yr old and I have quite a wonderful relationship.  She 
is a girlie-girl, which suits me fine to let me paint her nails, etc.  They 
live very far away, but came to visit my daughter (3 hrs from here) in Avon, IN 
so that we (both sets of grandparents) could drive down and save them six more 
hours on the road before they return home.  All in all it was worth our trip.  
The happiest visit I've had with them, as it was the shortest, lol.

I continue to limit my activities to anything that doesn't involve standing 
very long.  I was awarded disability, (did I tell you that?) and am thrilled I 
can finally stop worrying about trying to bring in an income.  Hooray! When I 
get my first check for that, I'll go to apply for medicaid.  Any comments or 
suggestions from anyone out there about that? 

Still praying for Millie and everyone who writes on this google group.  You 
guys are the best, and I am thrilled to be part of your group, even though none 
of us likes the reason we are banded together.  Like Zig Ziglar says, "Attitude 
determines your altitude" every time!!!!  Let's soar with the eagles, rather 
than bawk with the chickens....lol  At least in our spirits!!!  May you all 
know the joy of waking up to another day and being grateful it is here for you!


Susan F. Zimmerman

-----Original Message-----
From: C.M. Houtz <ho...@ptd.net>
To: cmlhope <cmlhope@googlegroups.com>
Sent: Fri, Jan 3, 2014 12:49 am
Subject: Re: [CMLHope] Millie

Hi Susan,
I did go to my family doctor today and talked to her about the 3 years I've 
been complaining about my back.  I happened to mention what my Oncologist said 
about a Doctor that comes into our hospital that does an out patient procedure 
and puts some sort of spacers in your spine and that's suppose to relieve back 
pain.  My  pain isn't there, but to qualify that....I do have pain there, but 
they are thinking that this other portion of my back, where I'm having the 
worst pain, is a referred pain from the spine.  I was once 6 ft tall, and now 
am lucky to be 5'8", so you see, I have compressed a lot.  At any  rate, she is 
also going to talk to this doctor about my hips being so bad and see if 
injections might work for that pain.  If I had less pain, I'd be doing a lot 
better.  It was just starting to snow when I left the house, but it was about 
1/2 inch until I got home.  I didn't have to wait to see  her, and that was a 
good thing.  They're calling for 5 or more inches with a lot of blowing snow.  
She's a great person, and I believe a good doctor.  I just don't think she knew 
what to do about the back.  You see, I can't have any surgery as I'm allergic 
to something they use to put me out.  I can have spinals though, so had my 
hysterectomy with the spinal.  I will let you know what develops when I do.  
Meanwhile, she's going to set something up in either Allentown or Bethlehem 
....St Lukes has several hospitals, and we have a local one, but it's not as 
large.  I will try my best to get to the bottom of it all.  Due to having a 
pace maker, I can't have an MRI.  Why they don't do a cat scan is beyond me 
too, but somewhere along the way, I know that Medicare doesn't want to pay for 
them unless they can rule out everything else.  Who knows?  I will see my 
Oncologist in early Feb. and then go see my Family doctor in March or before, 
depending on what they decide to do.  I'm hoping that he can tell me more about 
how they plan on handling my CML at that time.  I'm still on 1/2 dose and 
according to him, I'm still doing well.  I don't retain numbers, never have and 
therefore I let him handle that end of it all.  After 20 years, I do trust him 
to do everything right.  He always has.
Hope that your Holidays went well.  Ours did, but were quiet, except for the 
Saturday following Christmas when my Son brought my beautiful grandchildren to 
see me.  They are beautiful, but the middle one is bad.  He's going to be 7 on 
his next Birthday in Sept. so, hopefully, he will improve at some point.  I 
love him lots, but he starts fights with his older brother and his younger 
sister, and is able to put the blame on them most of the time.  I guess there's 
one in every family.  My son is finally seeing who starts it all, and is 
correcting him as much as possible.  I am exhausted when they leave, but love 
them being here.  I hope that they will come again very soon.  I want to get a 
smoked turkey breast for them.  We live in a small valley that is a farming 
community.  The turkey farm smokes it's own turkeys and he wants one, so 
perhaps if I go get one, he'll have to come and pick it up....right? :>)  They 
live about 2 1/2 hours from here, and I can no longer make the trip as they 
have steps to get in the house, and I can't get in.  Another reason is the door 
way to their powder room won't accommodate my wheel chair, and the toilet is so 
low, that if I got on it, I'd need a few strong men to pull me off.  I'm 
laughing at the prospects of that one.  At any rate, they come to see their 
Nana when they can, and I always look forward to that.
You take care.  I didn't mean to write a book, but looks like I've got a good 
start on one.
Hugs and prayers,

----- Original Message ----- 
From: Susan Zimmerman 
To: CMLHope@googlegroups.com 
Sent: Thursday, December 19, 2013 11:19 PM
Subject: [CMLHope] Millie

Hi Millie, 

I'm really concerned about the pain in your side, as I know you are.  Perhaps 
you should call your doc and discuss your inability to function because of the 
pain.  I know your liver is compromised, but it seems the spleen may also be a 
factor.  I'd hate for you to have to make a trip to the hospital due to it all. 
 Especially at this time of year.  Definitely praying for you, my sweet friend. 
 Thank you for all your wonderful posts.  We all  want you to take care of 
yourself and not ignore this problem!  God bless you, and keep that chin up!

Earnestly concerned,


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