Great Richard, and that is exactly what I do.
I have had several BMA in the 10 years I have been fighting this  disease.  
I was put to sleep with my last 3 so I didn't feel any pain,  however there 
is pain where the needle goes in for quite a while.  They say  the PCR test 
will tell you just about as much as the BMA and I done those done  
regularly.  I have had two mutations and changed my meds twice, am now on  
Good luck,
In a message dated 9/3/2014 12:11:35 A.M. Eastern Daylight Time, writes:

Hope you receive good news after your CBC.  My ONC has a lab  in his office 
and I have my results after about a 1/32 hour wait.  I have  Iron Deficient 
Anemia that was found after I was diagnosised with CML.  He doesn't like to 
have a patient do a bone marrow biopsy because it is  too painful.  I was 
on Gleevec for 5 + years and off for almost 6.  In Oct. I will do the 
mutation testing as I have something happening in  my medical life.  I have 
things can be causing my blood test to  be out of sync, so we must do some 
elinination testing to find what tand who  should be the lead Dr. to manage 

My favorite response to the question "How are you doing?".  "I stood  up 
this morning looked around and said "Thank you God.  Its going to be a  great 
day.  I hope you are having one also."
Richard H. 

On Tuesday, September 2, 2014 9:24:59 PM UTC-5,  Maria Cashion wrote:  
Hello everyone!!!! God bless you all!!! I have been out of  touch for a 
while.  My situation is still complicated, but rather  uneventfull.  I went  
to my appointment and my oncologist for the day told me that I  might need 
another bone marrow aspiration and biopsy soon.  She was  worried because my 
platelets went down. The problem is that I have not been  able to take my 
sprycel steadily.  I have skipped some days.  Sprycel acts really strongly on 
my platelet count, and I know this is  what is happenning.  Apparently, I 
have an infection also running  around my system. To make it more 
interesting, I have been out of medication  for a whole week due to insurance 
I will resume my Sprycel 70 mcg dose daily tomorrow after I do another  CBC.
I have an appointment in two weeks...

Well, please take care!!!! Love you!!!!
Blessings!!! :)

On Tue, Sep 2, 2014 at 6:17 AM, <_cml...@googlegroups.com_ (javascript:) >  

   _Google Groups_ 
Topic  digest 
_View all topics_ 
    *   _painful  jaw?_ 
de497b9c0b6_group_thread_0)  - 3 Updates  

_painful jaw? _ 
_ICANDO...@aol.com_ (javascript:) : Sep 01  10:38AM -0400 

Hi Marty and thanks, yes I am going to  get an antibiotic for it. I have 
been treating it with heat and  etc. but no luck. It is something new that 
have never had  before, so it is a worry. I have had strep throat a lot of 
my  young adult life, but not in later years, and it had to be treated  
How are you?
I am good except for this  new pain. Looking forward to the  fall.

In a message dated  8/31/2014 11:31:20 A.M. Eastern Daylight Time, 
_wa2...@gmail.com_ (javascript:)   writes:

Hi Jeanie, 

Having ear  infections is not uncommon. However please don't do nothing  
about it because you don't want it to spread if it is an  infection. Go get 
treated by your doctor usually an  antibiotic is all that you will need and 
once on it you would  start feeling much better in a couple of  days.

Also, having CML and being on any TKI  you should look to avoid the sun. 

I hope  that you will feel better real  soon.



On  Sun, Aug 31, 2014 at 11:06 AM, ICANDOALLTTC via CMLHope  
<_cmlhope@googlegroups.com_ (mailto:_cml...@googlegroups.cml_ (javascript:) 
)  > wrote:

Hello to all my cml  warriors,
I have been sick; my jaw is sore and it feels like my  ear is infected. I 
have been home treating it with hot  compresses and etc. Has anyone else 
had this happen? It is very  painful.
Yes, I always get really hot if I don't keep my air  going. I always spent 
time in the sun, but now this time is very  limited.
I had really bad night sweats when I was first dx. I  would run a fever, 
take a tylenol and sweat it off. Then it  would come back again.
With Sprycel, I don't sweat unless I get  really hot. I always thought 
sweat was another way for the body  to expel waste products, so it isn't a 
Sorry to  hear some can't take the Sprycel, as it has done wonders for me.  
We are all different so we have to listen to our bodies and  decide along 
with our doctors advice.
Still worried about the  high platelets, but don't get tested until the end 
of  Sept.
Thanks for the prayers and all; we need them.
Pray for  all in need at this time.

In  a message dated 8/25/2014 5:05:53 P.M. Eastern Daylight Time,  
_ksnwoods@prodigy.net_ (mailto:_ksnw...@prodigy.net_ (javascript:) )  

On  Monday, August 25, 2014 4:04 PM, NICK WOODS  <_ksnwoods@prodigy.net_ 
(mailto:_ksnw...@prodigy.net_ (javascript:) ) >  wrote:

Thanks,  Peter. We think it's part of the body reaction to the medicine,  
too. You're so right! You do run out of steam when that  happens.
Elizabeth  W.

On Monday,  August 25, 2014 3:48 PM, Peter <_pkschaub@gmail.com_  
(mailto:_pksc...@gmail.com_ (javascript:) ) >  wrote:

Hi  Elizabeth.
I am on Tasigna. Whenever I do anything involving  physical activity, like 
mowing the lawn, I am usually ok for the  first 10 or 20 minutes. Then 
almost instantly, I start sweating  profusely, especially in the face and 
the neck and it  isn't long after that, when I start running out of steam. 
It was  like that too when I was taking Gleevec. So, I figure that this is  
part of the deal.


On Monday,  August 25, 2014 3:53:00 PM UTC-4, Nick wrote:  

We've had some hopeful news. Nick's  hemoglobin is moving up a little.
His Oncologists decided to  lower the amount of Gleevec per week. Nick's 
feeling so much  better, too. Sure hope the hemoglobin will continue to 
back  to a normal level. We are thankful to have a very thoughtful  
Oncologist who keeps up with all the latest medical information  on CML. 

Thank you all for sharing your  updates and information on how different 
CML treatments affect  you. Nick sweats a lot. He has to keep hydrated 
especially with  this high heat. Do any of you sweat  perfusely?

On  Sunday, August 24, 2014 5:26 AM, ""  
<>  wrote:

 )  _Google Groups_ 

Topic digest 
_View all topics_ 

* _Greenie and Susan_ 
 )  - 4 Updates 

_Greenie and Susan _ 
Marty Gartenberg <>: Aug 23 08:41AM  -0400 

Hi Susan,

Praying for you. I know  that GOD listens to my prayers. Things will
get better for you,  don't you worry about that.

When I say 18's you know it  means life and that is what your going to
have. A good  life!

So, I double my 18's for you to 36. Two times  Chai.


On Fri, Aug 22, 2014 at 10:37  PM, 'Susan Zimmerman' via CMLHope
"Nadia Noles"  <>: Aug 23 07:20PM -0400  

Thank you Marty, I do good, if after 7 yahre on  Gleevec. I love to read 
from cmlhope, but don't post. Today you  deserve a big Merci. Nadia

-----Original  Message-----
From:  [mailto:cml...@googlegroups. com] On Behalf 
Of Marty  Gartenberg
Sent: Friday, August 22, 2014 7:27 PM
Subject: [CMLHope]  

What happened to everyone? I hope that everyone is  doing well..



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Marty Gartenberg <>: Aug 23  10:26PM -0400 

Thank you Nadia,

It was  nice hearing from you. Why don't you post more often? You  are
always welcome here.

Please stay in  touch.



Susan  Zimmerman <>: Aug 24 12:10AM -0400  

You are precious and I feel your prayers! I  think He's about to give me 
another rest from medicine,  (already!) because of the elevated liver 
I have decided  that is a good thing! I'm sure my numbers are even lower 
than  1.70 (last month), so it's all good. I'm looking forward to getting  
energy back.

How are things going  for you nowadays? No posting about your own issues, 
come on and  share. I know you need a transplant and I and many others are  
praying hard for that to happen soon!

So  sweet to give me a 36, I give you a 54!!!! 

Susan F.  Zimmerman

-----Original  Message-----
From: Marty Gartenberg  <>
To: cmlhope  <>
Sent: Sat, Aug 23, 2014  8:41 am
Subject: Re: [CMLHope] Greenie and  Susan

Hi Susan,

Praying for you.  I know that GOD listens to my prayers. Things will
get better for  you, don't you worry about that.

When I say 18's you  know it means life and that is what your going to
have. A good  life!

So, I double my 18's for you to 36. Two times  Chai.


On Fri, Aug 22, 2014 at 10:37  PM, 'Susan Zimmerman' via CMLHope
> To unsubscribe from this  group and stop receiving emails from it, send an
> email to  cmlhope+u...@ _googlegroups.com_ ( .
> For more options, visit  _ optout_ 
(_ ( 
)  .

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_ICANDO...@aol.com_ (javascript:) : Sep 01  10:43AM -0400 

Hi Marty and yes it was a feast. He  makes his own barbecue sauce with 
green peppers and onion. Yummy  to the tummy!
I used to know all the movie stars names, but now I  have to crank up the 
computer of a mind I have and sometimes the  name just wont come. I have 
always loved movies and especially  mysteries. Betty Grable and Roy Rodgers 
were two of my favorite.  A lot of the youngsters might not know them hehe.
I have loved  music also and taught myself how to play the piano when I was 
young. I sang in the glee club in school and loved it!
I have  a small electric organ that I play now; not as much as I  should.
Pray for all,
Blessings and  Love

In a message dated 8/31/2014 11:36:25  A.M. Eastern Daylight Time, 
_wa2...@gmail.com_ (javascript:)   writes:

Hi again Jeanie, 

Hey  your not the only one that forgets, so do I. If your above the age  of 
65 it's a disease called CRS. (Can't Remember S**T) Please  pardon the 

I hope that you and  your son enjoy that fish you will be having for lunch. 
With all  of those trimmings it does sound like a  feast.



On  Sun, Aug 31, 2014 at 11:08 AM, ICANDOALLTTC via CMLHope  
<_cmlhope@googlegroups.com_ (mailto:_cml...@googlegroups.cml_ (javascript:) 
)  > wrote:

Forgot, my son caught a big red  fish and he is cooking it for my lunch 
today! Can't wait. He  makes grits and tomato gravy with a delicious tartar 
sauce. He  is also making hush puppies, so it will be a  feast.

In a  message dated 8/31/2014 11:06:11 A.M. Eastern Daylight Time,  
_cmlhope@googlegroups.com_ (mailto:_cml...@googlegroups.cml_ (javascript:) 
)  writes:

Hello to all my cml warriors,
I have been  sick; my jaw is sore and it feels like my ear is infected. I  
have been home treating it with hot compresses and etc. Has  anyone else 
had this happen? It is very painful.
Yes, I  always get really hot if I don't keep my air going. I always spent  
time in the sun, but now this time is very limited.
I had  really bad night sweats when I was first dx. I would run a fever,  
take a tylenol and sweat it off. Then it would come back  again.
With Sprycel, I don't sweat unless I get really hot. I  always thought 
sweat was another way for the body to expel waste  products, so it isn't a 
Sorry to hear some can't  take the Sprycel, as it has done wonders for me. 
We are all  different so we have to listen to our bodies and decide along  
with our doctors advice.
Still worried about the high  platelets, but don't get tested until the end 
of Sept.
Thanks  for the prayers and all; we need them.
Pray for all in need at  this time.

In a message  dated 8/25/2014 5:05:53 P.M. Eastern Daylight Time,  
_ksnwoods@prodigy.net_ (mailto:_ksnw...@prodigy.net_ (javascript:) )  

On  Monday, August 25, 2014 4:04 PM, NICK WOODS  <_ksnwoods@prodigy.net_ 
(mailto:_ksnw...@prodigy.net_ (javascript:) ) >  wrote:

Thanks,  Peter. We think it's part of the body reaction to the medicine,  
too. You're so right! You do run out of steam when that  happens.
Elizabeth  W.

On Monday,  August 25, 2014 3:48 PM, Peter <_pkschaub@gmail.com_  
(mailto:_pksc...@gmail.com_ (javascript:) ) >  wrote:

Hi  Elizabeth.
I am on Tasigna. Whenever I do anything involving  physical activity, like 
mowing the lawn, I am usually ok for the  first 10 or 20 minutes. Then 
almost instantly, I start sweating  profusely, especially in the face and 
the neck and it  isn't long after that, when I start running out of steam. 
It was  like that too when I was taking Gleevec. So, I figure that this is  
part of the deal.


On Monday,  August 25, 2014 3:53:00 PM UTC-4, Nick wrote:  

We've had some hopeful news. Nick's  hemoglobin is moving up a little.
His Oncologists decided to  lower the amount of Gleevec per week. Nick's 
feeling so much  better, too. Sure hope the hemoglobin will continue to 
back  to a normal level. We are thankful to have a very thoughtful  
Oncologist who keeps up with all the latest medical information  on CML. 

Thank you all for sharing your  updates and information on how different 
CML treatments affect  you. Nick sweats a lot. He has to keep hydrated 
especially with  this high heat. Do any of you sweat  perfusely?

On  Sunday, August 24, 2014 5:26 AM, ""  
<>  wrote:

 )  _Google Groups_ 

Topic digest 
_View all topics_ 

* _Greenie and Susan_ 
 )  - 4 Updates 

_Greenie and Susan _ 
Marty Gartenberg <>: Aug 23 08:41AM  -0400 

Hi Susan,

Praying for you. I know  that GOD listens to my prayers. Things will
get better for you,  don't you worry about that.

When I say 18's you know it  means life and that is what your going to
have. A good  life!

So, I double my 18's for you to 36. Two times  Chai.


On Fri, Aug 22, 2014 at 10:37  PM, 'Susan Zimmerman' via CMLHope
"Nadia Noles"  <>: Aug 23 07:20PM -0400  

Thank you Marty, I do good, if after 7 yahre on  Gleevec. I love to read 
from cmlhope, but don't post. Today you  deserve a big Merci. Nadia

-----Original  Message-----
From:  [mailto:cml...@googlegroups. com] On Behalf 
Of Marty  Gartenberg
Sent: Friday, August 22, 2014 7:27 PM
Subject: [CMLHope]  

What happened to everyone? I hope that everyone is  doing well..



A support group of __http://cmlhope.com__ (http://cmlhope.com_/)  
------------------------------  -------------------

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)  .
Marty Gartenberg <>: Aug 23  10:26PM -0400 

Thank you Nadia,

It was  nice hearing from you. Why don't you post more often? You  are
always welcome here.

Please stay in  touch.



Susan  Zimmerman <>: Aug 24 12:10AM -0400  

You are precious and I feel your prayers! I  think He's about to give me 
another rest from medicine,  (already!) because of the elevated liver 
I have decided  that is a good thing! I'm sure my numbers are even lower 
than  1.70 (last month), so it's all good. I'm looking forward to getting  
more energy back.

How are things going  for you nowadays? No posting about your own issues, 
come on and  share. I know you need a transplant and I and many others are  
praying hard for that to happen soon!

So  sweet to give me a 36, I give you a 54!!!! 

Susan F.  Zimmerman

-----Original  Message-----
From: Marty Gartenberg  <>
To: cmlhope  <>
Sent: Sat, Aug 23, 2014  8:41 am
Subject: Re: [CMLHope] Greenie and  Susan

Hi Susan,

Praying for you.  I know that GOD listens to my prayers. Things will
get better for  you, don't you worry about that.

When I say 18's you  know it means life and that is what your going to
have. A good  life!

So, I double my 18's for you to 36. Two times  Chai.


On Fri, Aug 22, 2014 at 10:37  PM, 'Susan Zimmerman' via CMLHope
> To unsubscribe from this  group and stop receiving emails from it, send an
> email to  cmlhope+u...@ _googlegroups.com_ ( .
> For more options, visit  _ optout_ 
(_ ( 
)  .

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