Well, being that your having a party in Chicago at  Northwestern I'll be 
their June 1, 2016.  We can all meet together and  party the night away.
In a message dated 9/29/2015 1:35:01 P.M. Eastern Daylight Time,  
cmlhope@googlegroups.com writes:

We are only two hours from  Chicago so we don't spend the night, but many 
thanks! How far are you from  downtown? Could you private msg me yr. address? 

Sent from my  Sprint phone


------ Original  message------ 
From: bkbarney via  CMLHope  
Date: Tue, Sep 29, 2015  10:09 AM 
To: _cmlhope@googlegroups.com_ (mailto:cmlhope@googlegroups.com) ; 
Subject:Re: [CMLHope] to  Beth 

I would love to see you Susan.  What is your timing? do you need a place to 
stay while you are here? Let me  know!  I definitely want to see you. From 
when to when will you be here?  Thanks. Beth

-----Original  Message-----
From: 'Susan Zimmerman' via CMLHope _>_ (mailto:<cmlhope@googlegroups.com) 
To: cmlhope _>_ (mailto:<cmlhope@googlegroups.com) 
Sent: Mon, Sep 28, 2015 3:07  pm
Subject: Re: [CMLHope] to Beth

Dear Beth again,
I looked again and we come to  Northwestern on Oct. 22nd. That's a 
Thursday. Let me know!

Sent from my  Sprint phone


------ Original  message------
From: 'Susan  Zimmerman' via CMLHope 
Date: Mon, Sep 28,  2015 4:01 PM
To: _cmlhope@googlegroups.com_ (mailto:cmlhope@googlegroups.com) ;
Subject:Re: [CMLHope]  New results

Dear Beth,  
Sorry, I don't know what happened to September, but here i am a month  
later seeing your response to my response...lol
Are you still having to wear compression bandages???  I am so sorry.  We 
come this Thursday to Chicago....I know you are near.
Any chance we might get together for some mutual uplift?

Susan F. Zimmerman

-----Original  Message-----
From: bkbarney via CMLHope _>_ (mailto:<cmlhope@googlegroups.com) 
To:  cmlhope _>_ (mailto:<cmlhope@googlegroups.com) 
Sent: Wed,  Aug 26, 2015 8:35 pm
Subject: Re: [CMLHope] New results

Dear Marcie,  and Susan,   
Thanks for the kind words and prayers, much appreciated.
I loved Paris's picture!!! what a cutie! I did try bosulif, for 2 months,  
cancer walked right through it and grew. It is the only TKI that did not 
work  for me, all the others do but I have significant side effects..
while I am still working through the wall that I hit, I am uplifted by  all 
the this group. I cannot thank each one of you that responded to me,  
enough for taking the time and connecting. It has been a a life line  during a 
difficult patch.

much love, Beth

-----Original  Message-----
From: 'Susan Zimmerman' via CMLHope <_cmlhope@googlegroups.com_ 
(mailto:cmlhope@googlegroups.com) >
To: cmlhope <_cmlhope@googlegroups.com_ (mailto:cmlhope@googlegroups.com) >
Sent: Mon, Aug 24, 2015  11:37 pm
Subject: Re: [CMLHope] New results

Dear Beth, I feel terrible  about your lymphedema and certainly understand 
the misery when people stare  and are rude. Please remember you are so 
beautiful inside and out and we are  all pulling for you. You have been a MAJOR 
inspiration to me and so many  others on here. Always a kind word to 
everyone. I am hoping you might have  your doc think about bosulif for you. 
is different but sprycel seems  to have more side effects than the others. 
We are all wishing for a complete  turnaround for you!!! Keep your thoughts 
on things above and He will be there  for you, too! Much love and prayers, 
Susan Z.  P.s.  This is my dog  Paris wishing you the best!

Sent from my  Sprint phone 


------ Original  message------
From: margood18 via  CMLHope 
Date: Mon, Aug 24,  2015 2:15 PM
To: _cmlhope@googlegroups.com_ (mailto:cmlhope@googlegroups.com) ;
Subject:Re: [CMLHope]  New results


I'm so sorry you are having such a difficult time.  I knew that  things 
were not easy for you but I did not realize just how tough.  I  pray, too, that 
new drugs will come on the market to alleviate the terrible  side effects 
so many experience.  I'm keeping you in my thoughts and  prayers. 


-----Original  Message----- 
From: bkbarney via CMLHope _>_ (mailto:<cmlhope@googlegroups.com)  
To:  cmlhope _>_ (mailto:<cmlhope@googlegroups.com)  
Sent:  Mon, Aug 24, 2015 12:23 pm 
Subject: Re: [CMLHope] New results 

Dear Joyce,

Thanks so much for your reply. I apologize for  not responding sooner. I 
have not been feeling great. I go up and down,  undetectable and showing but 
with very low numbers....what is considered a  major molecular 
remission...with CML testing positive. My struggles have  always been the side 
effects and 
y body's capacity to tolerate the drugs. They  do work for me which is 
great!  this past year, post a botched lower back  surgery and the subsequent 
second surgery to correct the fist one..seemed to  erupt something in me and I 
am struggling with significant  lymphedema/lipoedema. So, I am wearing 
compression garments, on legs, arms and  torso except when I _sleep.it_ 
(http://sleep.it/) 's been debilitating in terms of movement..There is  also no 
cure, like CL, just management...I don't know how this happened but  it's here 
and I have to learn to live with it and manage it.while so many  others have 
it so much worse, I try to stay positive, and be forward looking,  with 
gratitude for what I do have, but this is taking a toll on my spirit. It  feels 
lonely and isolating. People stare at you. it can be a cruel world. All  I 
want is to feel well and strong in my body...I am doing everything I know to  

If anyone here has had this type of reaction from taking a TKI,  
specifically sprycel..please let me know. It is clear, from my constantly  
CPK which is rising, and the lack of healthy collagen  and  muscle building 
capacity in my body that sprycel is inhibiting more than the  protein that 
causes CML. I am hopeful for new drugs that will be developed in  the future 
that might work better for me. I miss everyone and send love and  18's to all 
of you..big group hug!!!


-----Original  Message----- 
From: Joyce Mesnarich < _joyway@htc.net_ (mailto:joy...@htc.net) > 
To:  cmlhope < _cmlhope@googlegroups.com_ (mailto:cmlhope@googlegroups.com) 
Sent: Sat, Jul 25, 2015  12:35 pm 
Subject: Re: [CMLHope] New results 

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