Hi Jeanie, 

I was traveling on business this week and just checked in and am wondering 
if you are feeling better?  

I had to caution another cancer patient recently not to write off sudden 
changes as normal...caused by treatment, age, etc.  The new generation of 
meds to treat CML and other cancers can have side effects that can be 
deadly if not caught in time.  Sprycel was a really good example of this. 
Prior to the FDA warning that it can cause deadly pulmonary hypertension no 
one was paying attention to folks that were already on it.  When one of our 
CML warriors started feeling weak and dizzy, even her doctor dismissed it, 
for months, until she collapsed and woke up in the cardiac care unit.  She 
almost died, and had a long road to recovery. Her spreading the word saved 
other lives!   Everyone should know their meds, know what the symptoms are 
of the dangerous side effects and alert their doctor if those symptoms 
present. It doesn't hurt to tell the doctor you are concerned it is a side 
effect of your meds, you would be surprised how many doctors are not 
familiar with the side effects of the meds they are prescribing!  

I think those of us living with cancer or any other chronic disease are 
kind of stoic and don't whine a lot...but sometimes we should.

*Note to Marty...since I am sure you are reading this...you are in my 

Fight on,

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