Thanks Beth for thinking of us.
In a message dated 9/16/2017 5:16:36 P.M. Eastern Daylight Time, writes:

Greenie, So glad you had no damage. My friend in  Fort Myers, her home is 
uninhabitable.It's terrible! So relieved for both of  you!

Take care,

18's Beth 

-----Original  Message-----
From: Myvety2k via CMLHope  <>
To: cmlhope  <>
Sent: Sat, Sep 16, 2017 2:23  pm
Subject: Re: [CMLHope] Words OF WISDOM.

Sounds like a plan.   
In a message dated 9/16/2017 11:00:36 A.M. Eastern Daylight Time,  writes:

Hi Greenie, so glad all is ok regarding your house. Maybe next  time you 
are up you will come for dinner.
Susan F. Zimmerman
"All who humble themselves before the  Lord shall be given every blessing, 
and shall have wonderful peace."  Ps.37:11

On Saturday, September 16,  2017 Myvety2k via CMLHope 
<>  wrote:

Hi Susan, We only stayed 2 days because be found out that  our electric was 
out less then 24 hours so we handed home to see if we had a  house and it 
was in One Piece.  No damage, very Lucky not so for many  people.
In a message dated 9/8/2017 4:04:11 P.M. Eastern Daylight Time,  writes:

Hey Greenie,
So glad you are coming to visit! If you want  to come over and visit our 
underground earth home, let us know!!! Would  love to see you and Grace. We 
are in Granger.

Susan and Roy Zimmerman

On Friday, September 8, 2017  myvety2k via CMLHope 
<>  wrote:

Hi all, Grace and I are getting out of dodge.  We are  heading for Indiana 
to stay with family.  After  this is over I hope we have a home in Fort 
Myers to live in.   And my  pure Corvette I hope it's still their.  Stay  safe.


In  a message dated 9/7/2017 9:28:12 PM Eastern Standard Time, writes:  

Hi Marcie,  

Glad that you found my story interesting. I live in Boynton Beach  about 90 
miles north of Miami.



On Thu, Sep 7, 2017 at 9:21 PM, 'Marcie  Goodman' via CMLHope 
<> wrote:


Such a  beautiful story which brought me to tears. Thanks, as always, for  
sharing. By the way, you aren't in Miami now are you?


Sent  from my iPad

On Sep 7, 2017, at 9:11 PM, Marty Gartenberg <> wrote:

Joyce, Jeanie and everyone here,  

I learned something a very long time ago. If you or someone  else looks out 
of a window then it is what they see that can make a  big difference in 
their lives. I wrote this story a very long time  ago and i always remembered 
it. It wasn't necessarily what this  person would see but it was something 
that was explained to make  "someone" happy for what they were able to "see"

Now over the years that followed i have seen this plagiarized  and it 
really hurt me, but i assure you that i am it's original  author. There are 
details in it that i personally went through.  

 The Window  
There were two men in the cancer ward of  Mount Sinai Hospital in New York 
City. They were in Ward KCC-6  North, which was at that time the cancer ward 
at that hospital. Both  of these men were suffering from the end stages of 
Leukemia. They  were there basically to die. One of these men had his bed 
right next  to the only window in the room. The other one was across the room  
and had no access to the window. The man by the window would always  tell 
the other man how beautiful it was looking out of that window,  and let him 
know what was happening outside. He would talk about the  beautiful skies, 
and how all of the little children were playing in  Central Park. He would 
tell about the green grass and the people who  were having a picnic, and the 
dogs that were running around, as well  as the ice cream truck with the man 
selling ice cream pops to the  little children, and the hot dog vendor also 
selling hot dogs with mustard  and sour kraut. He would tell the other man 
that he would be able to  see all of this for himself once he was healed. This 
went on for  about two weeks, and one morning the nurse came into the room 
as she  usually did, and presented these two men with their sponge baths.  
She first went over to the man who was by the window to find that he  had 
passed away in his sleep. She then covered him up and left the  room for a 
couple of minutes. When she returned, there was a doctor  with her. This was a 
fairly new young doctor who would pronounce the  man dead, and at that 
particular time, 8:40 a.m. even though he had  obviously passed away some time 
during the night. The other man  across the room with tears running down his 
cheeks became quite  depressed at seeing his roommate wheeled out of the room, 
declared  dead. He thought about how this man would always try to make him  
happy with him describing all of the nice things he was able to see  
outside. Later on that day the nurse returned and made up the bed in  the room 
was now unoccupied. The man in the other bed asked if  by any chance he 
would be able to be put by the window. The nurse  was a very kind and 
compassionate woman besides being a very  competent nurse, and she wheeled him 
Although this man was  unable to prop himself up to see the outside because 
he had recently  had his Spleen surgically removed, he tried but finding it 
was just  impossible. The next day came, and he again tried and although he  
was in a great deal of pain he managed to very slowly prop himself  up and 
peer out of that most appealing window. He was absolutely  shocked at what 
he was able to see, or to put it another way, what  he was unable to see. 
There was nothing there but a brick wall! He  wondered why that man would 
always tell him about what a beautiful  world it was out there when in fact 
was nothing but that brick  wall. At about that time the nurse came in with 
his sponge bath. He  immediately without any reservation asked her why the 
man would  always tell him about what was happening outside when in fact he  
wasn't able to see anything. The nurse then told him that he was  correct. 
The man who had been by that window was in fact not able to  see anything 
because he was blind.

 The man then realized that the other  man was trying to make him feel 
good, and try to become well once  again. And, as it turned out that other man 
did in fact return to  health but not until he was able to receive a Bone 
Marrow  Transplant. There was a donor found, his sister, and although he had  
to live in a plastic bubble for many months without having a window  in it he 
would also be able to see all of those wonderful things  that this world 
has to offer. In effect the man who passed away  prepared the other man so 
that he would be able to tolerate  something that no one could ever imagine 
happening to anyone. I know  all about this story because I was that other man, 
and without this  blind mans’ help I would have never been able to really “
see” what  the other man saw, even though he was totally blind. I gladly 
wrote  this story to be able to make others understand that there is hope  
even though you cannot see any hope. There is something to be  learned by all 
of this, and that is to never give up hope. Most of  us are blind to this 
fact, and we can only see what we want to see.  Sometimes it takes someone that 
can really see what is out there  even though he is blind.  Or was he?
Authors  note:
I wrote  this story on May 21, 1990, which I consider my second birth date, 
 because that was exactly one year after my Bone Marrow Transplant.  My 
actual birth date was on May 21, 1944. It is my wish that whoever  reads this 
will take comfort in the fact that there is a beautiful  world out there, and 
they must have hope in order to really be able  to ”see” it.
Martin Gartenberg.

On Thu, Sep 7, 2017 at 6:43 PM, <> wrote:

This  was absolutely beautiful.  Thank you for sharing with the cml  
---- Joyce Mesnarich <> wrote:
> Thank you  Marty.  Beautiful pictures and thoughts that we should all  
keep in our minds daily.
>           Joyce in Southern IL
> > On Sep 3, 2017,  at 6:58 AM, 'Jeanie' via CMLHope 
<> wrote:
>  >
> > Very touching.  Love ya!
>  >
> > My Motto:
> > Faith and Pills
>  > With Love
> > 🐠18's
> > Dx 1/2004 CML  Leukemia
> > Started Gleevec 2/2004
> > Started  Tasigna 9/2009
> > Started Sprycel 11/2009
> >  Started Ponatinib 1/2015
> > Doctor Balducci Moffitt  Cancer Center
> >
> > On Sep 2, 2017, at 8:34  PM, Marty Gartenberg <  
<>> wrote:
>  >
> >>
> >> Every once in a while i run  into something like this. Believe me this 
is beautiful enjoy  it...
> >>
>  >>
> >> Outstanding Photography . . . Incredible  Scenes and Wonderful Words 
> >>
>  >>  Click below:
0iotscQ-o89j30NWmtNOPy_BFQllakTu8&e=) >
>  >>
> >> 18's,
> >>
> >>  Marty
> >>
> >>
> >>  --
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