Hi, I was thinking about all of this so i decided to tell you one of my
stories. It is about helping other people. Yes some of it may make you cry
but some will put some happiness into your lives. It has done these two
emotions to me as well. And i felt that you have the right to also know.
There are 1,286 stories in my journal that i have compiled over the last
thirty years

                              Peter M******** Sr. and Peter M******** Jr.

In the early part of 1991 I heard of a Transit Police Officer in New York
City that was stricken with Leukemia. I was able to make contact with his
father Peter Jr. because of a Bone Marrow drive that he had started in
hopes of getting a tissue match for his son Peter Jr.

Unfortunately, as time went by he was not successful in his quest, but an
amazing thing happened from his search. He was actually able to find at
least a half dozen other compatible matches for others in need of a bone
marrow transplant. He was also able to collect some monetary donations to
help offset the cost of his search for his son, and after his son died he
would donate the remainder of these funds to others in the same situation.

Since Peter Sr. was a captain in the New York City Fire Department, many of
the men working in the New York City Fire Department, as well as the New
York City Police Department which Peter Jr. belonged to, volunteered to be
tested to see if a match could be found. This is how I first was able to
speak with Peter Sr. Since then we have had many conversations, and they
were both very comforting and informative to him as well as his son Peter
Jr. and we became close.

Months had passed and Peter Jr. was unable to find a suitable match and was
forced to have his mother be his bone marrow donor knowing that this was
not a very close match. In order to find a good match there has to be
several indicators in the bone marrow. Since there were no other matches
available either by sibling or in the general public bone marrow bank, in
order to stay alive, even for a short period of time he had to do

Since his disease was progressing he had no other choice but to use his
mothers marrow donation. Unfortunately, and sadly Peter Jr. succumbed to
his disease slightly more then two years after receiving his mother’s
marrow donation.

Peter Sr. found out that I would make a speech at a Temple on Staten Island
about helping people. Without any knowledge on my part he did attend as the
many others that I have previously helped. I was shocked to see all of
these people, some that I had never even had the opportunity of meeting in
person but I had known quite well by their voices. They were all seated in
the first two rows in the Temple sanctuary.

I finally found out later on, two years later to be exact when Rabbi
Sussman presented me with the many letters he had received. Here is the one
written by Peter M******** before his son’s death:

Dated November 6, 1993

Dear Rabbi Sussman,

Although we have never met, I felt the need to write to you about a mutual
friend, Marty Gartenberg. Marty to coin a phrase is “one in a million”.  I
first spoke to him in 1991. A story about my son Peter, a NYC Transit
Police Officer and a victim of Leukemia had been published in The Staten
Island Advance.

It told of Peter’s plight and the desperate search we were making for a
compatible bone marrow donor, our only hope of saving his life. After
reading the story Marty who had himself had a bone marrow transplant about
a year before went to considerable trouble to find a way of contacting me.

When he was finally able to get my phone number, he called me explaining
his desire to help us by offering his support and the benefit of his rather
extensive knowledge gained first hand. He explained that having gone
through the rigors of a transplant he had decided to devote all of his time
to helping others in the same situation. The enormity of what he was saying
took some time to sink in. Here was a man who had gone through so much
himself, who was still fighting this disease and the after effects of his
transplant, who had every reason to say to the world “leave me alone, I
have my own problems” but who instead decided to reach out to others to
help his fellow man.

Such a man is rare, and like most rare things – valuable. Marty and I had
many conversations since that first one. Some long some short some happy
and some not so happy, but each time I came away renewed in spirit because
I knew he was there for me. And I am by no means the only one. Marty has
talked to scores maybe even hundreds of people like me, and his compassion
and understanding transcend anything as trivial religion or race national
origin. He is blind to these things. All he sees is the need, and offers
his help without reservation, to *anyone* he can reach. He has even had a
second phone line installed in his home so he can carry on this good work.

I am a captain in the NYC fire department and Marty has told me more then
once how brave he thinks firefighters are, but I think *he* is the brave
one. We are from time to time called upon to risk our bodies, but Marty
risks his heart. He seeks out and befriends people who are suffering,
encourages them to keep fighting, visits them in the hospital and
encourages them to keep going when things are the toughest and it would be
so easy to just give up. But Leukemia is a powerful disease and many times
these people that Marty has gotten close to become it’s victims.

I’m sure that every time this has happened Marty is wounded by it yet he
keeps on doing his best to keep others going. I don’t know that kind of
courage nor do I know anyone else who does other then Marty. As I said
before he is a rare man. He told me once that everything happens for a
purpose and he believes GOD has spared him so he could help others. If this
is true all I can say is GOD picked the right man for the job.

By the way, my son received a bone marrow transplant in July of 1991 using
his mother as the donor. She was a very poor match but we could find none
better, and the doctors felt we couldn’t wait any longer. I am happy to
tell you that Peter is doing very well today. He has even returned to an
office job with the Transit Police.

Marty had told me he had asked you to pray for Peter, and I want you to
know how very grateful to you and all the other good people who offered
their prayers for his recovery. I really think that made the difference. I
understand that Marty is going to address your congregation in December, if
it is permitted and my schedule allows I would like very much to attend and
hear him speak.

Sincerely Yours,

Peter M********Sr.

On Sun, Mar 11, 2018 at 12:25 PM, Marty Gartenberg <wa2...@gmail.com> wrote:

>  listen i don't want to miss a word that you wrote me so i will try to
> answer every question or comment.
> Hi my little sweetheart Marty.  Oh do you want me to blush? Well, thank
> you for your comment. It seems to be growing on me, and might i add
> everyone else.
> Jeanie, I do this for a reason which i have mentioned before. It is my
> obligatory commitment  to try and help other's because i once got down on
> my knees, then clasped my hands while i was about to get my total body
> radiation and made a promise to HIM and that i believe was why i am still
> here today.
> Let me ask you something. If you look at what i went through then why am i
> still here today? You mentioned that you knew a Church member who fell and
> broke his neck and died. WHY? did he fall and die? You also know that i
> fell and broke my neck in three places and was in a coma and had all sorts
> of metal objects implanted in my neck and spine as well as my arm and
> elbow. and had to have my head stabilized  with a halo for many months, I
> fell again and broke my leg and tibia and knee. My kidneys failed and i had
> to go on Dialysis for four years then had a kidney transplant then i had a
> stroke. Then i had to have a pacemaker installed, plus many other
> procedures. WHY am i still here??? I once mentioned a word.. BASHERT which
> means MEANT TO BE. Everything is destined to happen sooner or later and
> that is how i live my life. At a later time i'll show what i do to help
> others. This is part of my life.
> I know why i am still here! It is because i always keep my promise to HIM
> and i am trying to help all of you if i can. So i guess that all of you are
> really helping me. It works both ways doesn't it.
> Now you would think that all of this made my look and fell that i was a
> turn out rag, but it didn't and if you were to look at me you probably
> wouldn't even notice.
> As for as what i still can do well i can't run a foot race or climbing to
> the top of the Empire State Building but i can still do the things that i
> need to do, well for the most part anyway.
> I have a lot of hobbies such as I, and my wife and both children are
> active ham radio operators and can usually speak to the entire world.
> Please see some of the pictures i have enclosed.
> I also raise Canaries, Make things out of wood and metal, do lighting in
> and outside of my home, do repairs and a host of other things. So you ask
> me if i am still alive, well i guess that i am still alive, and that is why
> i end any of my posts to each and every one of you... Just try to remember
> something, you can do anything that you set your mind to do if you really
> try. OH YES YOU CAN!
> 18's,
> Marty
> On Sun, Mar 11, 2018 at 7:09 AM, 'Jeanie' via CMLHope <
> cmlhope@googlegroups.com> wrote:
>> Hi my little sweetheart Marty. You are such an uplift to me. Surviving
>> cml at a time when the odds were against you and then fight for your life
>> with those kidneys.  I know a church member who tripped on a rug in a
>> favorite restaurant and broke his neck and he died. So God wants you around
>> to help the way you do. You are a light to anyone who knows you.
>> What are you able to do physically?
>> I don't care much for tv so I read a lot, walk a little and garden a
>> little. My mother broke her leg when she was my age and never walked again.
>> Gotta be careful walking. So easy to trip and fall.
>> Keep us all in your prayers.
>> My Motto:
>> Faith and Pills
>> With Love
>> 🐠18's
>> Dx 1/2004 CML Leukemia
>> Started Gleevec 2/2004
>> Started Tasigna 9/2009
>> Started Sprycel 11/2009
>> Started Ponatinib 1/ 2015
>> New Doctor--Dr Martine Extramine
>> 0 CBL. ABL
>> On Mar 10, 2018, at 5:16 PM, Marty Gartenberg <wa2...@gmail.com> wrote:
>> Hi Jeanie,
>> Wow 17 years! Good for you as well. My congratulates to you. Hey are you
>> catching up with me? 30 years for me.
>> Time fly's by when your riding on the Marquis Express. Okay now lets all
>> sing along all of you people out there...`🙎🙆💁🙋🙇🙌🚶🏃💃👫👬👭💏💑👪
>> 18's,
>> Marty
>> On Sat, Mar 10, 2018 at 5:00 PM, 'Jeanie' via CMLHope <
>> cmlhope@googlegroups.com> wrote:
>>> I am celebrating 17 years also.  I'm on my 4 tki: Ponatinib. Been a
>>> rough ride. How bout you!
>>> My Motto:
>>> Faith and Pills
>>> With Love
>>> 🐠18's
>>> Dx 1/2004 CML Leukemia
>>> Started Gleevec 2/2004
>>> Started Tasigna 9/2009
>>> Started Sprycel 11/2009
>>> Started Ponatinib 1/ 2015
>>> New Doctor--Dr Martine Extramine
>>> 0 CBL. ABL
>>> On Mar 10, 2018, at 2:10 PM, Kristin Lieberman <
>>> kristinlieber...@gmail.com> wrote:
>>> I’m here. Celebrating my 17th year as a CML survivor!
>>> Kristin
>>> Sent from my iPhone
>>> On Mar 10, 2018, at 2:11 AM, cmlhope@googlegroups.com wrote:
>>> cmlhope@googlegroups.com
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>>> Marty Gartenberg <wa2...@gmail.com>: Mar 09 04:12PM -0500
>>> Hello, hello... Is anyone out there?
>>> 18's,
>>> Marty
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