I've recently been asked to look into a product called Publicus ( http://www.saxotech.com/apps/pbcs.dll/section?Category=PRODUCTS02 ), which is a content management system designed primarily for newspapers. Our current take on it, based on a brief demo and a meeting with some of their people, is that it seems like a quick and easy solution, but we are interested in how easily modified it is. I have very general experience with TeamSite and Zope, and Publicus seems to be much more of an application that a framework. Of course we all know that there is a reason that most CMS's are frameworks, and that is that each installation has different needs and workflows, and thus there will always need to be a degree of customization done.

Unfortunately there doesn't seem to be much information online about their product aside from some press releases announcing new clients. I would be very interested in talking to anyone who has experience with this product, especially with regards to how adaptable the shrink-wrapped product is. Replies either to the list or p-mail would be greatly appreciated.

Terrell Smith

more signal, less noise.

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