Hey guys,
Disclaimer: I'm selling and asking for opinions because we have just
made a product that fits this thread. I have been here and a member of
this list but really as an observer.
We just started a small company specializing in content management....we
started after some local companies started asking for sites with content
management.......that was affordable. Most of these people do not have
developers on staff or just didn't want to put the resources out to have
it done. So we started up running as an ASP.

So we made a system that we call ISP manager, written in asp using SQL,
We have a 1 codebase model. All sites are managed from a central
location/interface. Clients can also log on to manage the site

Here is a list of the Admin (god mode) management features
 Change Account - change your account 
 User Manager - manage users 
 Event Manager - calendar of events 
 Guestbook Manager - deny or accept entries
 Newsletter Manager - send news letters
 Document Manager - Manage web pages
 Document Type Manager - create and alter page types
 Format Manager - re-usable formats 
 Image Manager - manage images 
 File Manager - manage files
 Navigation Manager - manage navigation
 Site Manager - change templates, CSS, email address for forms
 Template Manager up load new temlpates 
 Public Format Manager - formats used by everyone 
 Public Image Manager  - Images used by everyone

The only thing we hide from clients are:
  Site Manager - change templates, CSS, email address for forms
 Template Manager up load new temlpates 
 Public Format Manager - formats used by everyone 
 Public Image Manager  - Images used by everyone

We integrated a 3rd party WYSIWYG editor for editing docs (pages in our

We have some clients that requested this service but honestly we make
software not market products....well until now anyway. I really just
want some feedback to see if this is a "good"...heh..product and if
there is a market for it. We are so new to this we don't even have
pricing. For this It's been a client by client bases so far.  We are
serving the small to mid-size business market due to network size and
band width at this point.

What pricing model is fair?
Is it even marketable as a stand alone product?
Any technical advice?
Any opinions or ideas are welcome

FYI our page is being put up and worked today
But its www.powerwebx.com 
Thoughts please..

----Original Message-----
On Behalf Of Lennart Regebro
Sent: Monday, January 13, 2003 2:53 AM
To: Nik Martin; Austin, Darrel; [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Subject: Re: [cms-list] Looking for simple (low cost) CMS.... need

From: "Nik Martin" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
> Online WYSIWYG site editors are SO not CMS's.
> Think about what Ms. Myrtle in accounting could do
> to her accounting departments' public-facing website
> with a WYSIWYG editor, Comic Sans 14pt and a
> 216 web safe color palette?

Need we really once again point out that WYSIWYG editor doesn't
automatically mean that you can set font and colors freely? :-)

> I'd like to start a page that degeneralizes CMS systems
> into an accepted list of sub-categories that would help
> persons looking for a CMS decide.

That sounds like an excellent idea!

more signal, less noise.

more signal, less noise.

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