Dave Jones wrote:
Hi, Jack.

I'm not the host owner, but I think that your use of the image is
within acceptable use.
Since you're blogging about CMS Pipelines, you might want to mention
some of the more
recent updates...support for named structures, new CRC and WARP
stages, etc.
It's much more elementary than that. I'm explaining to predominately
Woonix (Windows and Unix)
audience that, in the immortal words of Jeff Savit on SOL-390 list,
"Once you get used to the idea
that topologies need not be simple left-to-right, there's a lot of
things that can be done in a very
natural efficient way." Isn't that a very pretty summation of the main
theoretical difference, not
only of Pipelines vs Pipes, but of Bigiron data processing vs Unix workflow?

Jack J. Woehr            # Fate lessons of the past and present
http://www.well.com/~jax # were now in session.
http://www.softwoehr.com #  - Steven Wright, _The Beach_

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