On Thu, 8 Jan 2009 11:20:10 +0100, John wrote:
>pipe literal | spec string 1-1 1 | cons

This works as far back as z/VM 4.4.0 (and did any of us ever notice?).
That's why I'm confused about what you're "introducing" now.

>Yes, |specs #1:=1 print #1| is what I have in mind.  If you're telling
>me it is a bad idea, I shall desist.

I haven't come up with a case yet that's actually a valid spec today, but
I think someone who accidentally left out an output column like that
would be pretty astonished to have his pipeline run without errors and
then find the string "1:=1 print " pasted over the front of all his
records.  (If you ever added the convenience of filling in a default
output column for any spec whose last item was a field, rather than just
a single item, then this case would become ambiguous.)

¬R     "People late for work only deal with the essentials, cutting away
uneccesary tasks like Occam's Razor with no time to shave." --oTTo--Bahn

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