The format is (reverse engineering here) ...

        1-8 groupname 9-* data

... where "data" is ...

        OBL varname OBL vardata

(OBL being that one-byte-length)   I hope this helps!

-- R; <><

On Wed, Jan 18, 2012 at 6:17 PM, Glenn Knickerbocker <> wrote:
> I don't know why I've never bothered with this before.  I want to parse
> out the variable names and values from a GLOBALV file.  DEBLOCK ONEBYTE
> would nearly get me there, but of course the GLOBALV format doesn't
> include the length byte in the length of the field.  SPECS C2V gets the
> right length if I insert an extra x00, but can't tell me where the next
> value in the record starts.  Am I overlooking some simple way to
> untangle this?
> Once I parse out the first field, I can use XLATE|OVERLAY|STRIP to chop
> it off so SPECS C2V can get to the second one, but that seems awfully
> convoluted.
> ¬R

-- R;   <><

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