Message 192 gives the game away. Wouldn't you say that EOF is a break?

On 09/05/2013 09:05 PM, Michael Harding wrote:
'|Spec printonly EOF a: w3 . set #0+=1',
    'if a>#1 then',
       'b: substr 1.8 of w2 . c: substr 9.6 of w2 .',
       'set (#1:=a;#2:=b;#3:=c) fi',
    'eof print #0 strip 5 /samples, max was/ nw print #1 strip nw',
       '/on/ nw print #2 strip nw /at/ nw print #3 strip nw',

PIPSPE1037E Field identifiers cannot be defined in break items.
PIPMSG004I ... Issued from stage 2 of pipeline 2 name "pageRate_alerts".
PIPMSG001I ... Running "Spec printonly EOF a: w3 . set #0+=1 if a>#1 then".
PIPSPE192I ... Scan at position 31; previous data "a: w3 . set #0+=1 if
a>#1 then".

and I just can't see it, unless the clause is considered a break
item.  No complaints without it though.
  And I've certainly defined field identifiers within if clauses before,
just not in conjunction with a printonly option.

Mike Harding
z/VM System Support


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