> Perhaps this would involve one of the more complicated usages of SPEC that 
> Mike alluded to?

No, that works with the COUNT option of JUXTAPOSE, but you'd have
to set the .0 entry too (I would probably write the .0 entry with
each of them, like this:
  spec ,/, 1 w6 n ,., n 1.10 strip n ,/, n 11-* n write
       ,/, 1 w6 n ,.0/, n 1.10 strip n

If nothing else, LOOKUP can do the trick, and well worth learning.
Almost fit on the command line for me, but made it a REXX filter.
The output of this would feed into VARSET.

'callpipe (end \ name SS1.REXX:2)',
   '\ *: ',
   '| v:find *VOLUME:',
   '| spec w2 1 w4 10.5',
   '| j:juxtapose',
   '| l:lookup autoadd before count trackcount w6 master detail',
   '| i:fanin',
   '| spec ,/, 1 w6 n ,., n 1.10 strip n ,/, n read 1-* n',
   '| *:',
   '\ v:',
   '| spec 11.34 1 68.8 nw ',
   '| j:',
   '\ l:',
   '\ l:',
   '| spec 1-* 1 ,0, 1.10 r write 1.10 strip 1',
   '| i:'

In case it's not immediately obvious, LOOKUP is used to match the
records on the pool name. The reference table is initially empty.
With AUTOADD BEFORE each new pool is added to the table so further
ones can be matched. The TRACKCOUNT numbers the detail records as
they match the master (the BEFORE allows also the first one to
match itself, so counting starts at 1). Finally, the COUNT option
makes the total number of hits per pool come out; they are morphed
into the .0 entry.

Sir Rob the Plumber

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