Forgive my bluntness, but sometimes it helps to read the manual.

The pipeline option NOSTOPERROR is the default; you need it only to
override a global option.  It controls what happens after a stage
terminates with an error.

The article on COMMAND is equally clear that you need to define the
secondary stream to continue after a negative return code on a CMS command.

On 12/22/18 23:50, Donald Russell wrote:
I have a pipeline with an immcmd to allow running cms commands without
having to stop the thing and return to cms.
(Primarily so I can send CMS commands to it with CP SEND from another id.)


Works great when the cms commands are valid, but if I do something like
"CMS GOOF" (where I know there's no GOOF exec/module etc) I get an error:

FPLDSP020I Stage returned with return code -3.

I don't mind that it shows the command return code, but I don't want it to
stop, just continue on and wait for the next possible thing coming down the
pipe. :-)

Subsequent uses of the immcmd do nothing (as expected since the stage
ended), until the entire pipe ends, the input isn't looked at until the
pipe ends and it's then looked at by cms, not the pipe immcmd pipeline.

I thought of using runpipe, or specs to build a callpipe *: | take first 1
| cms | *:
In those cases I didn't use NOSTOPERROR because the pipeline stops anyway
after TAKE 1...

But I could not get those to do what I want either... things seem to always
go south if the command is invalid.

Any suggestions?


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