* Greg Bennett <4978cba5.5080...@sentex.ca> :
Wrote on Thu, 22 Jan 2009 14:40:21 -0500:

| All this exists in Quail now. However the graphics used by
| mcl/digitool and allegro_cl do not take charge of the main repl. So we
| are able to (1) run some analyses, (2) note some interesting feature,
| (3) use dialogs and menu options to explore further where those
| explorations are 'registered', (4) but if they are not, we can send
| instructions from the repl to the views to show some additional stuff,
| on the fly, in typical lisp interactions, without disturbing any of
| the available graphics processing.
| It is this last form of interaction which, as far as I can see, would
| not be possible using OpenGL.

The problem is that even if you used threads as indicated in the
parallel reply the thread may not get a chance to run. Against my better
judgement -- Here is the comment from (multi-processing.lisp), so you
see the BIG FAT warning first

;;; Start-Sigalrm-Yield  --  Internal
;;; Start a regular interrupt to switch processes. This may not be a
;;; good idea yet as the CMUCL code is not too interrupt safe.

(defun start-sigalrm-yield (&optional (sec 0) (usec 500000))
  "Start a regular SIGALRM interrupt which calls process-yield. An optional
  time in seconds and micro seconds may be provided. Note that CMUCL code
  base is not too interrupt safe so this may cause problems."
  ... )


Now in the CMUCL REPL top level if you called

* (mp::start-sigalrm-yield)
* (mp::make-process (lambda () (cl-glut-examples:glut-teapot)))

You ought to able to interact with the process.  BUT THIS CAN NOT BE

There are also some other knobs one can tweak ...

[This is in a vanilla lisp without slime.  In the context of slime swank
 communication style, I believe this corresponds to the
 SWANK:*COMMUNICATION-STYLE* :sigio . --- Maybe this will work for you
 immediately, I don't know. But in general, BEWARE.  SLIME may make
 other assumptions about the "multi-threading" model, and should be
 isolated when debugging failures.

 I haven't looked much at cl-opengl --- I did use kt-opengl (from Ken
 Tilton's Cello project) briefly with CMUCL, but mostly only in a
 single-threaded model of development, and I haven't gotten around to
 fixing the problems to be happy about it]

| Let me display my ignorance of one piece of shorthand, what is an 'fd'
| as in REPL fd ?

The UNIX file descriptor of the stream.

* *terminal-io*

#<Synonym Stream to SYSTEM:*TTY*>
* system:*tty*

#<Stream for the Terminal>
* (type-of *)

* (system:fd-stream-fd system:*tty*)

* (system:fd-stream-fd system:*stdin*)

* (system:fd-stream-fd system:*stdout*)

* (system:fd-stream-fd system:*stderr*)



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