I will be replacing the 150% furling genoa on my C&C 29 Mark 2 this spring.

I have asked for quotes from Doyle (current genoa), Evolution (used them for
my previous boat) and Island Planet.

I was very impressed by the phone conversation with the local (Toronto)

He asked a lot of questions and adjusted his quote specs according to my

Still waiting to see the quotations.

Island Planet has the sails made by China Sails as do many of the other
better known "sailmakers"

Has anybody purchased from Island Planet Sails? 

What are your comments.


Best regards,

Bob Hickson, P. Eng, RHI, CEA

C&C 29-2 Flying Colours

(416) 919-2297

 <mailto:bobhick...@rogers.com> bobhick...@rogers.com


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