Oh, yeah, I meant to reply to this one. I'm at the dock doing some serious projects, and need to fly up north for family business early November, but on December 1 I plan to get off the dock and head for the mainland. This year I'm considering heading north for a few days up the Sea of Cortez, and then heading South, just because... Well, because from here to Banderas Bay is three days and I've noticed that it takes me three days at sea to really get my head in the right space so putzing in a Northerly direction for a couple of days will give me a solid week at sea when I turn around. So, stay tuned on that one, Fred. I've never single handed for five days, and part of me is wondering if I can really do it and another part of me is already tired. <VBG>


Fred wrote:
You can bet that by mid-winter, I'll be suffering a SERIOUS case of sailing
withdrawal...   I'll be begging Wal or Colin or someone, anyone, to plan a
long tropical trip and invite me along...   :^)

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