Every so often I get notices from our List program of minor problems that need 
resolving.  Here are a couple of gentle reminders to help my day easier:

1.  We have a size limit on emails sent to the list and I cannot change it.  
Please trim off the fat or redundant info when replying to messages especially 
if you reply to a “digest” email.  If I receive a notice your email is too 
large, it will be rejected and not forwarded to our members.

2.  When sending an email to the list, DO NOT cc or bcc it to anyone else.  Our 
email program send emails to our members only and rejects emails when there are 
multiple recipients.

3. No matter if you reply to a message or start a new thread, please change the 
subject line to be appropriate to the message.  Not everyone reads the message 
if the subject line does not interest them.  You might have an important 
message for list, but if the subject line is not indicative of the message, it 
may just get deleted by some members.

Some people have asked how to search the email archives and we found something 
that works.  This works best with Google search engine.  Type in your search 
word, followed by a colon then cnclist.com  Example:  rendezvous:cnclist.com   
It might not give you everything, but it’s a good start.

Fair winds
This List is provided by the C&C Photo Album

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