Hi Patrick,

If it's blowing NW then those alternatives are to windward so you might as well go into English Bay anyhow. Also it will lighten up compared to the Silva Bay side so sail comfortable in the beginning and head up if required after you get 3 - 5 miles out of Silva Bay.

If the forecast is SE then you are better off leaving from Porlier Pass, say with anchorage at Clam Bay. Fisherman's Cove is the best alternative if you leave from Silva Bay and can't get high enough for English Bay (since you have access to Vancouver bus route). ONLY if you have good navigation skills or a plotter. The entrance is tricky and looks horrid in a blow. Next best is Snug Cove, easy. We love Gibson's Landing and that is not a wasted trip either. Mind the shallows at the entrance to Howe Sound... you won't have any difficulty if you stay more or less in the centre.

In either case, keep in mind the breeze will lighten up on the other side. So a forecast of winds 15-25 knots will typically have 25 knots at Sister's Island and maybe Bellenas and Entrance Islands and 12 - 15 at most on the Vancouver side o' the strait.

I've been to False creek many times and haven't found the current that strong. It's not a large basin to empty so it's not bad, just avoid 30 minutes either side of peak (based on First Narrows) if concerned.

        Cheers, Russ
        Sweet 35 mk-1

At 06:38 AM 12/09/2013, you wrote:

Possible duplicate:

I've crossed the Georgia Strait a number of times in other people's boats and am just about to do it in my 24 for the first time, solo. Silva Bay to False Creek. Have got Keats/Gibsons, Snug Cove, Fisherman's as alternatives if necessary, although these are mostly off track, any other ideas? I've been told False Creek can have 5 to 6 knot currents making docking tricky, does one need to aim for slack?

With short boat length will need to wait for calmer seas.

Any thoughts for a smaller boat?

Patrick Wesley, The Boat, Sidney BC

Patrick H. Wesley
4068 Licorice Lane, Victoria BC Canada V8X 0A2
1 250 370 0547; mobile 1 250 380 8959
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