Steve — you and the others are in the balmy south.   :^)

-20F / -29C for a low last night; wind chills here have been in the -30F to 
-50F (-35C to -45C) range for the last couple days.  We might hit 0F / -18C for 
a HIGH today.

Fred Street -- Minneapolis
S/V Oceanis (1979 C&C Landfall 38) -- on the hard in Bayfield, WI   :^(

On Jan 7, 2014, at 10:49 AM, Stevan Plavsa <> wrote:

> it's negative 2.2 here (-19 Celsius) with the wind chill it comes out to 
> -27.4 fahrenheit (-33 Celsius).
> brr
> Steve
> Suhana, C&C 32
> Toronto

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