Hi Joe,

The 35 lb'der will be okay as a "lunch hook", occasional, or whatever you want to call. It can even be considered big for that service.

Serious cruising where you have many more nights/year on the hook and very little discretion on when to stay overnight at anchor means a minimum 45# is in order. More chain helps too and getting the hook down before Happy Hour is better.

On the 35 footer, I've been summer cruising with a "temporary" 22# Delta plow and 10 fathoms of chain for 5 years now. I've got an appropriate 33# Bruce Lee once I get my bow roller & winch installed. :)

        Cheers, Russ
        Sweet 35 mk-1

At 06:53 PM 31/05/2015, you wrote:

What size anchor do I need for my 38? I want to put a plow anchor on a roller and found a 35lb one locally for $50. Found a chart on the photo album that says that would be more than enough but that chart seems to be the exception. We are in Lake Erie and our only real use would be for an afternoon of swimming and occasional overnight in a very protected bay.



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