So... For the marina's annual Sailsticecelebration we had a 'Downwind Umbrella Race,' where you can sail using anything but an actual sail. I made a joke (who, me?) about sewing my own sail out of women's underwear. Women started giving me underwear, so I was committed.

It took me three days, sitting in my bunk watching movies, surrounded by piles of women's lingerie, sewing and hot gluing.

Here's a shot of the start, although the sail doesn't look as good from the back.

Here's a low quality front shot: <> It worked really well, and you can almost see how the legs of the two bloomers fly out in front. That helped to depower the rig, because it was blowing about 10-15 knots in the afternoon thermal push, and everybody was out of control.

Unfortunately my helmswoman, while cute and a lot of fun, had never been in a kayak or held a paddle before, and didn't understand the concept of downwind, or that her job was to steer the boat. As a consequence, when we were T-Boned from port and pushed off course, she paddled on the wrong side and turned us broadside to the breeze. That rig cannot handle a reach. So I won a prize for 'most spectacular wipe out' as well as 'most creative entry.'

There was one of those RC drones in the air taking video, and I've seen that. I've also seen some really good high quality pictures including a 5 shot rapid series of the actual wipe-out. However the owners of those pics aren't giving them away yet, as they're being sent to Latitude38 and and who knows where else.

I was pretty bummed out about the wipe-out so early in the race, because I could tell that that rig could sail. However, I've been told that we're going to do it again later this summer, just for fun.



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