
3 hrs seems perfect for a distance race where you race one direction on 
Saturday, have a party or a raft-up and race back Sunday. 3 hrs is a fair 
commute to the start or back home, if sailors can only do one race. 

1990 C&C 34R 
Broad Creek, Magothy River, Md 

----- Original Message -----

From: "Charlie Nelson via CnC-List" <> 
Cc: "cenelson" <> 
Sent: Monday, November 30, 2015 5:36:58 PM 
Subject: Stus-List Club Team scoring with PHRF 

Hey listers; 

We have two reasonably active PHRF fleets on the Neuse River in NC that are 
about 3 hours apart by boat. 

In an effort to get boats to move from one venue to another (increasing the 
fleet size in each open but club run regatta), we have been using 
a simple PHRF scoring scheme that has its problems so I thought I'd check the 
list to see if any of you have 
solved it differently and perhaps with less drama than we have. 

Each club run regatta has spin and non-spin classes with PHRF splits at about 
100 and 200, sometimes with divisions within 
the classes. Clubs need 5 boats entered in total to qualify and then the top 5 
boat's scores from each club, whether 
spin or non-spin, are averaged to determine the winning club. We really don't 
have enough boats racing 
to routinely fix the PHRF splits for a season as the CBYRA apparently does. We 
have used both the default US Sailing scoring 
system as well as the High Point Average at various times--we are familiar with 
them all. 

This has more or less worked unless the OA decides to extend the PHRF ratings 
to get enough boats in a division 
to have better competition. Since our inter-club racing committee doesn't run 
these regattas (the clubs do), 
our committee cannot require the clubs to use fixed PHRF splits or otherwise do 
anything except recommend the splits, 
fix the definition of cruising boats, etc. 

Our clubs do not really have an option to buy and race the same boats for a 
team score as some (GYA, etc.) do. We are all 
PHRF racers with cruisers or racer/cruisers with a few smaller but different 
boats (1 Viper, 1 J-80, 1 Rocket-22, 2 Etchells and sometimes 
several San Juan 21s) all racing PHRF. 

I doubt that there is an ideal solution but maybe the listers might be able to 
help me decide between "...the lesser of two "weevils..."' 
on how to come up with a team score recognizing our limitations. 

Our committee does not want to run the regattas, just score them (or team 
purposes) with minimum drama about the PHRF splits. 


Charlie Nelson 
Water Phantom 
C&C 36 XL/kcb 


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