Have used several different epoxy systems over the years and have found
that prep can vary a bit.  Cured epoxy leaves a film on its surface
referred to as "amine blush" that needs to be removed.  It is water
soluble.  I have found that some types wipe off with a wet rag, some must
be washed more aggressively,  (cure temp affects this too I think)  Wipe
with acetone after that if you wish.  I scuff sand after as well.  FYI - I
recently tried a "blushless" resin, which was not. Maybe they meant
blush-less?  Dunno.

For outdoor applications, epoxy MUST  be varnished or painted as it has no
inherent UV resistance.  For sun-baked, non-structural things like
handrails, I would not bother with epoxy, its easier to stick (so to speak)
to one system, and you will be varnishing anyway.

FWIW Doing my cabin sole as well, and repaired/epoxied the board around the
mast step (some carpentry involved, and rot and damage repair but the rest
is in good shape and has resisted whatever water it has encountered since
'85.  Urethane varnish only.

Epoxy seems really benign but it isn't, so be careful.  You can become
sensitized with cumulative exposure (as my Dad has been) and I recently
developed a really nasty rash after doing some work.  Possibly the price of
carelessness over time.


Message: 3
Date: Wed, 16 Mar 2016 17:28:13 +0000
From: "Hoyt, Mike" <mike.h...@impgroup.com>
To: "cnc-list@cnc-list.com" <cnc-list@cnc-list.com>
Subject: Stus-List cabin sole question/update
Content-Type: text/plain; charset="us-ascii"


All sections of new cabin sole are cut out and fitted and now the coating
is in progress.  I have two coats of West 105/207 on the finished side of
the teak and holly as well as underneath and on edges.  Following epoxy I
am planning a number of coats of Epifanes varnish on the finished side only.

A couple of questions.

1.      After sanding epoxy and prior to initial coat of varnish what
should be used to wipe down the surface?  Acetone?

2.      After sanding each coat of varnish what is used to wipe down the
varnish prior to applying next coat?  Some sort of paint thinner or
something else?  I have Interlux 202 Solvent wash, paint thinner, Interlux
special thinner 216 and acetone on hand as well as a Canadian Tire and a
Chandlery on my drive home

3.      How many coats of epoxy prior to first coat of varnish?  (finish

4.      How many coats of varnish over the epoxy? (finish surface)


1987 Frers 22 #16
Halifax, NS
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Message: 4
Date: Wed, 16 Mar 2016 13:36:19 -0400
From: Stevan Plavsa <stevanpla...@gmail.com>
To: "cnc-list@cnc-list.com" <cnc-list@cnc-list.com>
Subject: Re: Stus-List cabin sole question/update
Content-Type: text/plain; charset="utf-8"

Maybe you already read this but:

I had to search it because I had not heard of varnishing over epoxy before.

Suhana, C&C 32

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