Okay, clearly I'm not keeping up. And after not updating my web site in nearly two years (for technical reasons) I finally put up a Facebook page, because I wanted to tell the story about how I almost lost Stella Blue.

I'm pretty sure the URL is <www.facebook.com/wally.stellablue> Please don't ask me to be your 'friend' unless you actually know me. This whole Face Book thing has almost made me throw my computer and phone into the pool. I can count my friends on my toes, and no one in the world can really have thousands of friends. Literally 20 seconds after I signed up, some real friends are sending me messages. Then I start getting invites from old girlfriends from the 1970's. Heck, it took me 10 years to forget some of them, I don't need any reminders. And somebody from the University of Nigeria wants me to help him transfer a bunch of money...

And folks wonder why I checked out and have been hiding on my boat in Mexico.


s/v Stella Blue


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