Keep in mind this boat was over 100 feet long and the owner was in a hurry to 
be going again ;)


From: CnC-List [] On Behalf Of Danny 
Haughey via CnC-List
Sent: Monday, June 12, 2017 3:29 PM
To: Della Barba, Joe via CnC-List <>
Cc: Danny Haughey <>
Subject: Re: Stus-List C&c 40 bolts

Hi Joe,

Yea but, the right thing to do is, when you realize the condition is far more 
difficult to address, is call the owner and keep them in the loop.  If the boat 
is sitting in the yard and accessible, there is no reason not to go assess the 
condition.  I mean, I'd never have given an estimate on a plumbing job without 
having gone to look.  Then if something gets uncovered during the project you 
let the owner know what you've found immediatly and make them a part of the 
decision making.

If you had gone and looked at the guys battery compartment ahead of time, would 
you have been able to see that there would be extra work?

Like I said those guys at my last Marina did exactly that.  i ask if if they 
would quote something, I'd get a response that he would go look at it and he 
would give a quick rundown of his observation and work up a number with, maybe, 
some note about something he thought might give some trouble.  Oh and he 
torqued my keel bolts on the Viking no charge!  LOL

I'd still be there but, they said they weren't comfortable pulling the stick 
with the furling boom track on the back of the mast...


On 6/12/2017 11:35 AM, Della Barba, Joe via CnC-List wrote:
The first time I needed to tighten my keelbolts, Port Annapolis gave me a big 
socket wrench and said have at it - $0.00 ☺ 5 hours seems 4 too high just to 
tighten a few bolts!
That said, and having once been in the business, estimating jobs on boats is 
incredibly hard to do. Imagine all the times the “5 minute job” involved 
snapping corroded bolts, wire that crumbles in your hand, etc. etc.. We once 
had a job to swap batteries out on a motoryacht. How hard could that be? Old 
ones out, new ones in, call it an hour or two if I have to drive. It turned out 
to be 6 hours times two people for a 12 hour bill. The old batteries had all 
cracked, there was acid everywhere, and the batteries were located outboard of 
the engines with fingertip access for 8D batteries. The owner was irate until I 
offered to put the old batteries and acid back in place. I told him if he could 
recruit a friend and change the batteries out faster than we did I would give 
him the new batteries for FREE and no labor either. I think showing him the 
acid burns on my arms helped – he paid the bill right then LOL


From: CnC-List [] On Behalf Of Danny 
Haughey via CnC-List
Sent: Monday, June 12, 2017 11:23 AM
To: Andrew Burton via CnC-List 
Cc: Danny Haughey <><>
Subject: Re: Stus-List C&c 40 bolts


I guess if you add in the time the guy took to listen to the request, then, the 
time it took to find the guy to do the job and tell him about it, and then the 
time it took to go get the tools and go to the boat and climb on board, take a 
nap, then tighten the bolts and fill out the time slip, I guess it could go 5 

The yard I'm at now seems unwilling to give prices for projects.  They just 
want your work at time and material.  so, there is no risk on their part and no 
pressure on their guys to work efficiently.  I consider this a DIY yard now.  
You know, if they didn't charge the full rate for everyone the pricing might be 
a bit more fair but, they want full rate on anything they do.  I mean, 
obviously, they don't need the work or, they would be better at pricing.  I 
know in construction, when the pricing does not make any sense, the contractor 
doesn't really want your work but, will take it if the reward is high enough.

I asked for a price recently on touching up bottom paint and all I got was, 
"yes, we do that for you..."  No price, no estimate, no thanks!

Here is the amazing thing to me.  boats are a true luxury, no one NEEDS a boat. 
 Most of us have limited budgets to spend on them and (at least me Lately!) 
wonder if it is even worth it, financially, to own a boat.  Given the the short 
season around here, the monthly cost is pretty high.  Then, you have these boat 
service places that just want to pry as much from your hands as possible.

I have to say, I really miss FL Tipps in westport, ma.  We had some issues but, 
they did run things like a real service company.  Accurate quotes that they 
stood by.  Discounts for scheduling early for winter work.  Fair pricing on 
time and material work.  No labor padding.  When you store there, they don't 
charge for moving your boat, they don;t charge for moving your mast so you can 
work on it.  I've actually gotten labor bills for 1 hour or part of an hour.

Where I am now, they charge you for even thinking about your boat it seems!


On 6/12/2017 9:33 AM, Andrew Burton via CnC-List wrote:
Did that include pulling the mast to get at the one under the step?
If not, 5 hours is about 4 hours too long for that job! Just went through it 
myself last year.  They might want two guys to do it, so I would compromise 
with them and say you'll pay for two hours. Otherwise I would be shouting from 
the rooftops and raising holy hell with them. Five hours to tighten 5 nuts?! 
Tell them you'll ensure they get lots of publicity for their expertise in 
fleecing their customers. Then get the heck out of that place!
C&C 40

On Mon, Jun 12, 2017 at 8:41 AM, PETER OCAMPO via CnC-List 
<<>> wrote:
Hi guys

Before I speak to the yard. About charging me 5 hours to torque my 5 bolts  3 
large at 450ft/lbs that I fully exposed i.e. Moved wires removed cabin  table 
and covers  cleared water from bildge

just wondering what the avg time charged  or if it takes multiple guys to do 
this job

Goonie island C&c 40 1983 aft cabin

Sent from my iPhone

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Andrew Burton
61 W Narragansett Ave
Newport, RI
USA 02840
phone  +401 965 5260


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