Hi all,
I've been lurking on the list for a week or so now. My girlfriend and I bought 
my parents C&C 35 Mk III this year on Lake Ontario (Sodus Bay).
We got off to a slow start this year when I found I huge crack in the rudder 
(Leading edge from top to 2/3 down to bottom). I know the crack was caused by 
frozen water infiltration.
Any ways, the repair I did to the rudder took quite a while and the high water 
on the lake did not help either but we finally launched Aug. 25th. We've been 
making up for lost time onboard
Since then as we need to be ready to haul back out by Oct. 1st.
I'm preparing a huge list of projects for the boat and I'm sure I'll be 
consulting you folks soon enough for your expertise on everything.
I just wanted to come out of the shadows and say hi! I'll try to offer my 
experience when I can too.
I've been sailing about 40 years. I had a Masters captain's license for 10 
years. I directed a sailing school for a few years and I've taught over 300 
adults how to sail.
I've cruised extensively in the great lakes and Caribbean. And sailed some off 
Maine, the Chesapeake, and around Long Beach Ca.
I race and cruise and pretty much everything in between. So, like I said - "Hi" 
thanks in advance for all your help!
Scott Baker
Fairport, NY
1987 - C&C 35 Mk III "Top Priority" (Soon to be "Surrender")


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