Try putting 2 proper size nuts on the threaded rod. Back them up together
until tight. Then with a wrench on the inside nut, see if you can get
movement on the rod when you apply force to the wrench. The idea behind
this is to use the outer nut as though it is the hex cap on a machine bolt.
If you are able to back out the rod, I have no idea if it will allow you to
drop the rudder.

Ed Levert
C&C 34 Briar Patch
New Orleans

On Wed, Feb 6, 2019 at 7:38 PM Neil Holtzhausen via CnC-List <> wrote:

> We own a custom C&C 43 and are attempting to remove the rudder to
> service/replace bearings as needed. We have successfully removed all the
> nuts and bolts of the quadrant, but are having trouble removing the final
> threaded bolts securing the post in position. (These are two threaded bolts
> coming out of the sides of the post, with a ring/washer at the end of the
> thread, closest to the post, but this item can not be removed with a
> wrench, as it is round. photos available at
> )
> Can anyone provide info regarding how to remove these threaded bolts ?
> Also, once these are removed, will we be able to drop the rudder?
> Any suggestions where to find replacement bearings if needed?
> Best lubrication to use?
> Any advice will be appreciated.
> Thanks
> s/v Tiger
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