
The fellow in the slip next to ours had an issue with the bottom plate on his steering. It was not a C&C. But it was way more than just the plate. The rust reflected a weakening of the deck where the plate attached. The fix necessitated a complete removal of the pedestal and rebuild of the deck where the plate attached. His final bill was well over 10 boat bucks.

The separation under the port may not be anything more than a separation of the inner skin from the house, which is no big deal. But, it could be more. The bigger issue for me is the apparent BS the owner is feeding you...

Between the steering, the interior, the sails, the engine and the rest it could easily end up costing $25k+ to get her sailable. If they are not giving the boat away ($40K or so), you may want to move on.

That said, the 34+ is a great boat, for sure. But not every one of them is a great one.


Tom B

Tom & Lynn Buscaglia
SV Alera
C&C 37+/40
Vashon Island WA
(206) 463-9200

At 04:39 AM 2/25/2020, you wrote:

Message: 1
Date: Mon, 24 Feb 2020 14:51:57 -0800
From: Kevin Driscoll <>
To: "C&C List" <>
Subject: Stus-List 34+ Idler Pulleys and Cabin Top Compression
Content-Type: text/plain; charset="utf-8"

We looked at a 1990 34+ this weekend and I could use your input on two
items that were most concerning. The boat was much more of a project boat
than we anticipated unfortunately. We hoped to get out for a sail, but it's
not leaving the slip before some work is done. So obvious issues are below
and photos here:

   1. *Heavy Rusting at base of the steering pedestal*: When I first got on
   board and noticed the steering was quite stiff and a bit 'grinding.' I
   thought the steering column lock was on. However, since the idler pulleys
   and quadrant are above the deck on the 34+ it was easy to see a pile of
   large and significant flakes of rust at the base of the pedestal where the
   cables run aft to the quadrant. This was visible after the quadrant cover
   that is part of the cockpit sole was lifted. The cables were also not even
   seated on the quadrant or the pulleys and were grinding on the gel coat. I
   have since determined that this rust must have been from the idler plate.
   The cables were also shot as you might expect, with broken strands. This
   appears to be about $700 or so in materials for cables and a new idle
   plates and pulleys. Question is, how difficult is this to address? I will
   say, that the fact that the steering cable was not even on the quadrant or
   pulleys gave me pause about the truthfulness of the owner. We had
   corresponded and talked about going out for a test sail and we drove quite
   a bit to go see the boat. If the cables were off my quadrant I am pretty
   darn sure I would notice. There was no way to turn the rudder so how would
   a test sail have been possible?
   2. *Core delamination at port light: *Another item that gave me pause
   was a split/de-laminated core at the forward portion of the fixed port
   light. It felt dry, but I could make it compress/decompress with very
   little effort. I was told it was due to the boat being lifted in the wrong
   area by the yard. I suppose this could have been true given that the area
   was about 3-4 aft of the forward bulkhead, where the sling should have
   been. (Again, as an owner, I clearly flag on the lifelines where the
   bulkheads are for the lift operator given that my C&C owner's manual on my
   Rob Ball 30-2 instructs that the slings should be placed there.) So, what
   is your take on this damage? Is it not a big deal or sign of potentially
   larger demons?

Other items:

   - No cooling water when the engine started and ran. The strainer was
cleared and the through hull was open so my assumption is that the vanes on
   the impeller are either loose inside the water pump or have already
   migrated into the heat exchanger. I have not had to fix this issue before.
   Major PITA? Expensive?
   - Leaks. There were a number of leaks in the cabin top where the tell
   tale drip of rotten core was showing. I am willing to understand a certain
   amount of this in a 30 y.o. boat, but there may be too much.
   - Upholstery was shot. The video showed some ok looking upholstery, but
   it was much worse in real life. It was worn and stained in a number of
   places and I wondered if the foam was salvagable. What do you think a
   re-uphosltery job would cost on a 34+?
   - Original Mainsail - A 30 y.o. mainsail is not going to flatten or
point well. When I took the sail cover off there was a small football sized
   bees nest attached to the folds in the mainsail. About how much for a new
   mainsail on a 34+ with full battens and 3 reefs?
   - Jib - Looked older, but I was told it was only sailed 1/2 dozen times
   and was 6-8 years old. I was not able to unfurl it all the way given the
   wind and being stuck in the slip. There was minor mildew spotting near the
   leach and the UV cover looked a bit tired.

There was a bunch of old sailing junk and personal items on board so I was
unable to get a good look in the cabinets and under berths since stuff was
piled on them. In general the boat is not in sellable condition, but I want
to use the experience to educate myself on these issues. Here is a link to
some photos. I am keeping the location and boat name private since the
owner says he is selling it.
Thanks everybody.
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