I've been having in interesting situation:  I don't see the first post from many sent to the list (including my own) but I see the responses.

That said, let's do all we can to support Stu with this effort, many thanks for the hard work he's put into this list for years and whatever we can do to help (including donations) I'm all in favor. I know there's been an email change and he's working on it. Thanks Stu!

Neil Gallagher
Weatherly, 35-1
Glen Cove, NY

On 10/30/2020 4:40 PM, CHARLES SCHEAFFER wrote:
This is a test of the C&C email list.

I just checked my inbox and the most recent email from the C&C owners' list was on Sunday. Nothing in spam, so I wonder if I was knocked off the list somehow.  I'm not being copied, even on an email I sent to the list.  Stu said he saw it and several people responded, but it never came to me.   And it's not in spam either.

If there is something else I need to check, let me know.

Chuck Scheaffer, Resolute

October is the time to show your appreciation with a small contribution to this 
list to help offset the costs. If you want to support the list - use PayPal to 
send contribution --   https://www.paypal.me/stumurray  Thanks - Stu

October is the time to show your appreciation with a small contribution to this 
list to help offset the costs. If you want to support the list - use PayPal to 
send contribution --   https://www.paypal.me/stumurray  Thanks - Stu

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