
This is a question to Canadian list members...

Has anyone researched the use of electronic flares (e.g., Sirius C-1001) as a 
replacement for the pyrotechnic flares in Canada? So far, I found that they can 
be used, but that they do not _replace_ the need for the proper flares (6 or 12 
of them depending on the boat length).

I know that in 2014 there was a movement to influence the change in the 
Transport Canada rules, but I did not find anything that would indicate that 
the change took place.

Of course, USCG accepts the eFlares as a replacement to pyrotechnic flares, but 
this does not make any difference here.

I had a look and my flares expired, so I need to buy something. It would be 
that much easier if I could buy an eFlare which has no expiration date.

If you know anything on that topic, please share.


Marek Dziedzic
1994 C270 Legato
Ottawa, ON
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