Any listers in Henri’s path? I saw a picture in the New York Times this morning of a couple large keelboats ashore on Conanicut Island (Jamestown, RI). This fall I’m crewing the delivery of an Astrea 42 from Newport to Tortola, via Bermuda, as part of an offshore passage-making class from New England Sailing Center located in Jamestown. This morning a NESC employee emailed me that their fleet survived just fine due to double-bridling the boats to their moorings (and one bridle had snapped, so it was good that it was doubled). She said all the boats ashore had bridle failures, except one that had a mooring ball screw failure and dragged its ball ashore.
I hope y’all in New England are getting through Henri with no damage. Cheers, Randy Stafford S/V Grenadine C&C 30 MK I #79 Ken Caryl, CO Thanks to all of the subscribers that contributed to the list to help with the costs involved. If you want to show your support to the list - use PayPal to send contribution -- Thanks - Stu