Listers, I just heard Rod Collins, aka Maine Sail, aka Compass Marine, aka 
HowToMarine, had a hemorrhagic stroke last week. He has survived the stroke, is 
out of ICU and headed to Rehab.  Apparently he is already on the mend and 
joking around with nurses but, he's got quite a battle in his recovery ahead. 
Rodd has been an inspiration to many of us and has provided untold hours of 
support to the boating community through his website and on 
the Musings with Maine Sail forum on Rodd has also worked 
with ABYC and Practical Sailor on issues relating to marine electrical systems. 
Personally, Rodd has been a guru. I am a frequent visitor to his site as well 
as a customer. The bulk of what I have learned about marine electrical systems 
has come from Rodd. I hope that his recovery is quick and that he is able to 
return to what he loved, helping others enjoy their boats and learn about 
marine systems.  When I have a new project to accomplish on my boats, 
MarineHowTo is always one of my first research tools.  He seems to have covered 
at least something on just about everything we could come upon in our boat 
maintenance and upgrades. Phil Herring has posted more information on Here’s a link to his post: 
I’ll be sending a contribution to his recovery and hope others might be 
able to follow suit. Danny  
Thanks to all of the subscribers that contributed to the list to help with the 
costs involved.  If you want to show your support to the list - use PayPal to 
send contribution --  Thanks - Stu

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