Any overheating??   I had a bad riser on my “new-to-me” of another manufacturer 
(still a Yanmar) and overheating was the first notable finding.

Neil Andersen, W3NEA
Rock Hall, MD 21661
From: jameshesketh via CnC-List <>
Sent: Sunday, June 26, 2022 2:05:47 PM
To: Stus-List <>
Cc: jameshesketh <>
Subject: Stus-List Re: Yanmar 2 GMF

Just had the same symptoms on my Yanmar Sb8.
My exhaust elbow was almost completely blocked causing excessive back pressure.

On Jun 26, 2022, at 9:38 AM, Robert Abbott via CnC-List <> 

Went to take the boat out Friday for a short sail .....motoring out heading 
into a12 knt breeze....started to increase the RPM's and found the engine 
wouldn't rev about 2,100 RPM's ....marine diesel's are not supposed to be that 
complicated but they are to me.  I wouldn't know where to start to trouble 
shoot....getting a mechanic to deal with it this week.  I spoke to him and told 
him the situation and he thinks it is a fuel problem....engine not getting 
enough fuel tank and fuel should be clean as I had the bottom of it 
replaced 2 years ago and the 2 fuel filters replaced. He thinks one or both of 
the filters are restricting the fuel flow.....I hope he is right but I don't 
think so.

Possibly many are causes....restricted fuel injectors, fuel pump, etc.  ....the 
engine has never been serviced in the 16 years I have had the boat

Any insight or guidance to help greatly appreciated.

Rob Abbott
C&C 32 - #277
Halifax, N.S.

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