Awesome info Nathan.

Yeah. 2 runs of coax with the connectors already installed will make it tight. 
LMR400 is already 1/2"  I had not considered running 2 conduit up the mast. Hmm.

I was hoping  to run a single one at the front and drill holes into the conduit 
where the Steaming and deck light wiring holes are.

Compression tubes are what I saw then!  I vague remember seeing something up 
there when I was removing 8.5 feet of spray foam that some previous owner had 
put in from goose neck to maststep.  (2 inch pipe with the end   cut like a 
hole saw and a lot of struggle got it out)

I am heading to  marina today to see what is what and I figure I will just get 
the conduit on the next trip.

Your method of conduit install should work better then making a hook and  like 
riggers do. We shall see.

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