On Tue, Apr 5, 2011 at 2:18 PM, Scott Henson <shen...@redhat.com> wrote:
> On Tue, 5 Apr 2011 13:39:38 -0700, Walker Traylor <wal...@mog.com> wrote:
>> Scott,
>> Thank you for your reply.
>> It would be very similar to the way classes are implemented in cobbler, 
>> using the --mgmt-classes flag.    The only difference is that the 
>> environment data is not a list, it is just one field.  Also in contrast, the 
>> parameters passed to puppet (via --ksmeta) returns a key value array in YAML 
>> format.  So, environment is another format, and the simplest.
>> Check out this for sample YAML that puppet expects for classes, environment, 
>> and parameters: http://docs.puppetlabs.com/guides/external_nodes.html
>> Look in the box under "External node scripts for version 0.23 and later"
>> A --mgmt-environment flag would be my preferred method, for consistency, ie:
>> #cobbler system add mysystem.mog.com --mgmt-environment="dev" 
>> --mgmt-classes="base webserver devusers"
>> The functionality that this provides, is puppet can be configured to serve 
>> up puppet manifests from different directory trees depending on 
>> "environment."    This is a big deal to us because we are using puppet to 
>> manage production systems, yet also doing lots of class development for more 
>> variable boxes.  One wrong move on the production scripts could kill 
>> everything (wrong nslookup, user, etc.)  but I need to be able to hack on 
>> those with plenty of leeway for trial and error in our development 
>> deployment environment.  The work around is run multiple puppet instances on 
>> different ports, but that is messy and now we have this nice feature in 
>> puppet built in to support this - may as well use it.
>> Let me know if you have any other questions, or how else I may support this.
> In our setup we implemented environments as part of the hostname
> (e.g. foo.app.dev.example.com). Then we put an override in the
> parameters section. Basically have a key called environment in the
> ksmeta that would be able to override the default set by dns. I don't
> have a problem with what you are asking for, I'm just not sure if it is
> needed given that you can put it in ksmeta. Do you see some reason?

My problem with ksmeta is that it ends up being a dumping ground for a
myriad of meta-information. It would be preferable to have information
specific to a config management system clearly identified and
separated out, similar to the way network interfaces are expanded.

It also doesn't help that the WebUI and CLI parse changes to ksmeta
completely differently, and updating a system through the WebUI is
liable to break even a moderately complex use of ksmeta.

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