It was getting too long, so I trimmed back to the last response.

Before I start, I want to thank you for taking some of your time to respond to 
my questions.
I was beginning to think Cobbler was an abandoned orphan child !

----- Greg Swift <> wrote:
> I think i get what is happening.  Correct me if I get something wrong:
> 1: You have your standard RHN setup that your servers will attach to
> 2: In your cobbler build environment you are mirroring the RHEL base channel
> from RHN so that it can be used during installation for install time updates
> 3: Your cobbler setup then configures your cobbler repos to be present
> post-installation as well

Close enough.  The intention was to serve all the local servers from the one 
"master mirror" on the Cobbler Server and save some external bandwidth and time 
taken to vacuum all the updates directly from RHN.

> Once I saw this I went and checked to see why I wasn't having this problem
> because I actually thought I was doing the exact same thing.
> Apparently, I started to set this up, I have the repo being mirrored but
> I've never attached it inside any of my profiles.

Try using the mirrored repo in a profile from which you then build a host.  You 
should see the problem happen.
> So if I interpreted that correctly then, yes, its breaking because it has
> duplicate repositories configured.

Than makes sense, but things never complained until the plugin got an update.

> If i'm wrong ignore the following:

I am still confused.

> I guess the trick to making this "right" would be something along the lines
> of:
> if redhat_management_type is enabled then the generated repo configuration
> should not include any repositories of the type 'rhn' because of the
> conflict potential.

Here's a PasteBin containing the server's "cobbler repo report" and the host's 
"cat /etc/yum.repo.d/*"

I do not see any rhn-type repos on the host.  They are all pointing at the 
mirrors.  The references to the RHN channels are coming from somewhere else.
> OR
>  cobbler could prefix the repositories with cobbler- in the name when it
> generates the client configuration file. Since cobbler's configured repo
> have a lower priority, you'd always just get your packages from RHN.

If I get my packages from RHN, the local mirror seems a waste.  Does changing 
the name on the client/host and NOT making the same change on the server break 
things ? 

> But either way, I don't think that yum-plugin is the problem.

Well, I can change the behavior by changing which version I use, so I would 
politely disagree with you on that point.

But I am willing to entertain alternatives.  Got any ?  :)

“Sometimes I think the surest sign that intelligent life exists elsewhere in 
the universe is that none of it has tried to contact us.”
Bill Waterson (Calvin & Hobbes)
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