
I just setup cobbler 2.2.2 on two KVM guests (SL 6.2 64bit) to test it out.  So 
far so good, but I have observed a repo related behavior that is puzzling to 
me. The following should show the gist of the issue:

[root@sl0 ~]# cobbler repo list

So, I have only two test repos defined.

In the kickstart template, I have:

    44  #
    45  $yum_repo_stanza
    47  #

The leading numbers are line numbers - I use the stanza to express the two 
aforementioned repos.

Now lets take a look of the rendered kickstart answer file:

[root@sl0 kickstarts]# cobbler system getks --name=sl1 |less
repo --name=zsl6-x86_64 --baseurl=
repo --name=zepel-6-x86_64 
repo --name=source-1 --baseurl=

So, the $yum_repo_stanza expanded into three kickstart repo statements!
Where did the repo --name=source-1 came from?

I doubled checked the file system too. Only two subdirectories:

[root@sl0 repo_mirror]# pwd
[root@sl0 repo_mirror]# ls -l
total 8
drwxr-xr-x 5 root apache 4096 Jun  4 12:16 zepel-6-x86_64
drwxr-xr-x 2 root apache 4096 May 14 14:13 zsl6-x86_64

I would appreciate any hints why cobbler behaves so, and how I can "get around" 
or "fix" this issue.



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