On Wed, 11 Mar 2009 08:10:30 -0500, James Cammarata <j...@sngx.net> wrote:
> For the below.  I don't have my home box setup for virt yet, but this
> like it should do the trick.  I'll test it out at work today myself.
> On Mon, 09 Mar 2009 17:43:07 -0400, Michael DeHaan <mdeh...@redhat.com>
> wrote:
>> James Cammarata wrote:
>>> I'm testing some kickstart stuff on a Xen system and noticed the
>>> following:
>>> eth0: static, with ip and mac, bridge virbr0
>>> eth1: bond slave to bond0, mac set, bridge xenbr0
>>> eth2: bond slave to bond0, mac set, bridge xenbr0
>>> bond0: static, ip set, no mac, no bridge
>>> Results in a xen vm with the following network line:
>>> vif = [ "mac=00:16:3E:4C:C9:F8,bridge=xenbr0",
>>> "mac=00:16:3E:4C:C9:F7,bridge=xenbr0",
>>> "mac=00:16:3E:4C:C9:F6,bridge=virbr0",
>>> "mac=00:16:3e:16:f5:10,bridge=virbr0" ]
>>> So, it would seem that there is a bug which causes bonded interfaces to
>>> have a vm nic created for them, which should be excluded.  I'm running
>>> off
>>> the devel tree, so this should be very close to the bleeding edge.
>> Seems like koan needs to be taught about this.
>> (xencreate.py, qcreate.py)
>> --Michael

Tested and verified.  The following system report:

# cobbler report system --name ks-test
system                : ks-test
profile               : prod-rhel4u6-xen-i386
comment               :
created               : Fri Feb 27 10:59:28 2009
gateway               :
hostname              : ks-test
image                 :
kernel options        : {'console': ['tty0', 'ttyS1,57600'], 'nofb': None}
kernel options post   : {'console': ['tty0', 'ttyS1,57600']}
kickstart             : <<inherit>>
ks metadata           : {'is_san': 'yes', 'disk': 'xvda'}
mgmt classes          : []
modified              : Wed Mar 11 10:13:16 2009
name servers          : ['', '']
name servers search   : ['mydomain.com']
netboot enabled?      : True
owners                : ['admin']
server                : <<inherit>>
template files        : {}
virt cpus             : <<inherit>>
virt file size        : 50
virt path             : <<inherit>>
virt ram              : 256
virt type             : <<inherit>>
power type            : ipmitool
power address         :
power user            :
power password        :
power id              :
interface        : bond0
  mac address    :
  bonding        : master
  bonding_master :
  bonding_opts   :
  is static?     : True
  ip address     :
  subnet         :
  static routes  : []
  dns name       : ks-test-bond0.mydomain.com
  dhcp tag       :
  virt bridge    : xenbr0
interface        : eth0
  mac address    : 00:16:3E:4C:C9:F6
  bonding        :
  bonding_master :
  bonding_opts   :
  is static?     : True
  ip address     :
  subnet         :
  static routes  : []
  dns name       : ks-test.mydomain.com
  dhcp tag       :
  virt bridge    :
interface        : eth1
  mac address    :
  bonding        : slave
  bonding_master : bond0
  bonding_opts   :
  is static?     : True
  ip address     :
  subnet         :
  static routes  : []
  dns name       :
  dhcp tag       :
  virt bridge    : xenbr0
interface        : eth2
  mac address    :
  bonding        : slave
  bonding_master : bond0
  bonding_opts   :
  is static?     : True
  ip address     :
  subnet         :
  static routes  : []
  dns name       :
  dhcp tag       :
  virt bridge    : xenbr0

resulted in the following Xen VM:

name = "ks-test"
uuid = "a60762eb-4e2b-e17d-5045-5c066ee5778c"
maxmem = 256
memory = 256
vcpus = 1
bootloader = "/usr/bin/pygrub"
on_poweroff = "destroy"
on_reboot = "restart"
on_crash = "restart"
vfb = [ "type=vnc,vncunused=1" ]
disk = [ "file:/var/lib/xen/images/ks-test-disk0,xvda,w" ]
vif = [ "mac=00:16:3e:55:2a:55,bridge=xenbr0",
"mac=00:16:3E:4C:C9:F6,bridge=virbr0" ]

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