> Dear Guys,
>         I am using cobbler with oneSIS. Reason for using oneSIS is, i 
> am trying to push the golden image created on cobbler server. Since 
> cobbler supports installation only from iso's, i had to use both 
> together.

Cobbler does not support installation only from ISOs.  I'm not sure what 
you're talking about here.

>         I read the documents on pxe_just_once option, which says 
> enabling it would eliminate boot loop problem. So i set it to 1, and 
> started transferring images.
>         The approach to install OS on remote node is first install it 
> in diskless mode followed by script, which makes it disk-based.

Restart cobblerd after setting it.
>         Now my question is, would the kickstart file be called ever as 
> its being booted in disk-less mode followed by disk-based?
>         What should be the correct approach to achieve the same?
>         cobbler system getks --name=n3 has the following output
> xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx
> #platform=x86, AMD64, or Intel EM64T
> # System authorization information
> auth  --useshadow  --enablemd5
> # System bootloader configuration
> bootloader --location=mbr
> # Partition clearing information
> clearpart --all --initlabel
> # Use text mode install
> text
> # Firewall configuration
> firewall --enabled
> # Run the Setup Agent on first boot
> firstboot --disable
> # System keyboard
> keyboard us
> # System language
> lang en_US
> # Use network installation
> url --url=
> # If any cobbler repo definitions were referenced in the kickstart 
> profile, include them here.
> # Network information
> # Using "new" style networking config, by matching networking 
> information to the physical interface's
> # MAC-address
> %include /tmp/pre_install_network_config
> # Reboot after installation
> reboot
> #Root password
> rootpw --iscrypted $1$mF86/UHC$WvcIcX2t6crBz2onWxyac.
> # SELinux configuration
> selinux --disabled
> # Do not configure the X Window System
> skipx
> # System timezone
> timezone  America/New_York
> # Install OS instead of upgrade
> install
> # Clear the Master Boot Record
> zerombr
> # Allow anaconda to partition the system as needed
> autopart
> %pre
> set -x -v
> exec 1>/tmp/ks-pre.log 2>&1
> # Once root's homedir is there, copy over the log.
> while : ; do
>     sleep 10
>     if [ -d /mnt/sysimage/root ]; then
>         cp /tmp/ks-pre.log /mnt/sysimage/root/
>         logger "Copied %pre section log to system"
>         break
>     fi
> done &
> wget ""; -O /dev/null
> # Start pre_install_network_config generated code
> # Start of code to match cobbler system interfaces to physical 
> interfaces by their mac addresses
> #  Start eth0
> # Configuring eth0 (00:1A:4B:E0:12:7C)
> if ifconfig -a | grep -i 00:1A:4B:E0:12:7C
> then
>   IFNAME=$(ifconfig -a | grep -i '00:1A:4B:E0:12:7C' | cut -d " " -f 1)
>   echo "network --device=$IFNAME --bootproto=dhcp --hostname=n3" >> 
> /tmp/pre_install_network_config
> fi
> # End pre_install_network_config generated code
> # Enable installation monitoring
> wget -O /tmp/anamon "";
> python /tmp/anamon --name "n3" --server "" --port "80"
> %packages
> %post
> set -x -v
> exec 1>/root/ks-post.log 2>&1
> # Start yum configuration
> wget ""; 
> --output-document=/etc/yum.repos.d/cobbler-config.repo
> # End yum configuration
> # Start post_install_network_config generated code
> mkdir /etc/sysconfig/network-scripts/cobbler
> cp /etc/sysconfig/network-scripts/ifcfg-lo 
> /etc/sysconfig/network-scripts/cobbler/
> grep -v HOSTNAME /etc/sysconfig/network > /etc/sysconfig/network.cobbler
> echo "HOSTNAME=n3" >> /etc/sysconfig/network.cobbler
> rm -f /etc/sysconfig/network
> mv /etc/sysconfig/network.cobbler /etc/sysconfig/network
>     # Also set the hostname now, some applications require it (e.g.: 
> if we're
>     # connecting to Puppet before a reboot).
> /bin/hostname n3
> # Start configuration for eth0
> IFNAME=$(ifconfig -a | grep -i '00:1A:4B:E0:12:7C' | cut -d ' ' -f 1)
> if [ -f "/etc/modprobe.conf" ] && [ $IFNAME ]; then
>     grep $IFNAME /etc/modprobe.conf | sed "s/$IFNAME/eth0/" >> 
> /etc/modprobe.conf.cobbler
>     grep -v $IFNAME /etc/modprobe.conf >> /etc/
>     rm -f /etc/modprobe.conf
>     mv /etc/ /etc/modprobe.conf
> fi
> echo "DEVICE=eth0" > /etc/sysconfig/network-scripts/cobbler/ifcfg-eth0
> echo "HWADDR=00:1A:4B:E0:12:7C" >> 
> /etc/sysconfig/network-scripts/cobbler/ifcfg-eth0
> echo "ONBOOT=yes" >> /etc/sysconfig/network-scripts/cobbler/ifcfg-eth0
> echo "BOOTPROTO=dhcp" >> 
> /etc/sysconfig/network-scripts/cobbler/ifcfg-eth0
> # End configuration for eth0
> rm -f /etc/sysconfig/network-scripts/ifcfg-*
> mv /etc/sysconfig/network-scripts/cobbler/* 
> /etc/sysconfig/network-scripts/
> rm -r /etc/sysconfig/network-scripts/cobbler
> if [ -f "/etc/modprobe.conf" ]; then
> cat /etc/modprobe.conf.cobbler >> /etc/modprobe.conf
> rm -f /etc/modprobe.conf.cobbler
> fi
> # End post_install_network_config generated code
> # Start download cobbler managed config files (if applicable)
> # End download cobbler managed config files (if applicable)
> # Start koan environment setup
> echo "export COBBLER_SERVER=" > /etc/profile.d/
> echo "setenv COBBLER_SERVER" > /etc/profile.d/cobbler.csh
> # End koan environment setup
> # begin Red Hat management server registration
> # not configured to register to any Red Hat management server (ok)
> # end Red Hat management server registration
> # Begin cobbler registration
> # skipping for system-based installation
> # End cobbler registration
> # Enable post-install boot notification
> wget -O /usr/local/sbin/anamon "";
> wget -O /etc/rc.d/init.d/anamon 
> "";
> chmod 755 /etc/rc.d/init.d/anamon /usr/local/sbin/anamon
> test -d /selinux && restorecon /etc/rc.d/init.d/anamon 
> /usr/local/sbin/anamon
> chkconfig --add anamon
> cat << __EOT__ > /etc/sysconfig/anamon
> LOGFILES="/var/log/boot.log /var/log/messages /var/log/dmesg"
> __EOT__
> # Start final steps
> wget ""; -O /dev/null
> wget ""; -O /root/cobbler.ks
> wget ""; -O 
> /dev/null
> # End final steps
> xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx
> Regards
> Neeraj Chourasia
> Member of Technical Staff
> Computational Research Laboratories Limited
> (A wholly Owned Subsidiary of TATA SONS Ltd)
> P: +91.9225520634
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