On May 11, 2009, at 2:33 PM, Michael DeHaan wrote:
Thomas S Hatch wrote:
I am trying to execute "cobbler system add" and define 2 nics at once,
but it is only creating the second nic, is it possible to create the
system in a single command like this?  Or do I have to execute a
"cobbler system edit" after the cobbler system add?

You'd have to do this as one add (for the first instance) and edit
second edit specifying the second interface.   If someone knows how to
fix optparse usage so this is possible that would be good to have, right
now you either have to do that or use the webapp.

Hmm... for mass insertions w/ multiple NIC's, would it be easier to just do a bunch of SED's on a system.d file?

I'm looking at that right now...

Matthew Barr
InteractiveOne  - Senior System Engineer
aim: matthewbarr1

Matthew Barr
InteractiveOne  - Senior System Engineer
aim: matthewbarr1

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