On Wed, Aug 26, 2009 at 11:41 AM, Dick
Davies<rasput...@hellooperator.net> wrote:
> Turns out ESX supports kickstarting; has anyone tried importing
> an ESX ISO?
> If not, no worries. I'll try it tomorrow and let you know how I get on.

I have it setup and configured for both ESX 3.5 and ESX 4.0. ESX 3.5
is pretty straight forward. It's just a standard Red Hat installation.
I think I couldn't do an import and instead had to go down the add
distro/add profile route, but it wasn't a problem.

ESX 4.0 was a different story. Getting all the bits into a cobbler was
no problem, but you have to do some funky stuff to get it to boot and
onto the network correctly. The ESX 4.0 installer actually runs in a
VM so I had to set the interface on the system object to vmnic0
instead of eth0. Then the DHCP packets come out labeled with the MAC
of a virtual NIC and not the physical NIC. The only way I found to fix
that was to uses IPAPPEND 1 in the PXE template file.

Good luck!

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