On Wed, Nov 2, 2011 at 9:06 AM, Eric Doutreleau
<eric.doutrel...@it-sudparis.eu> wrote:
> Hi
> i have just migrate from 2.0.11 to 2.2.1 and my external
> authentification doesn't work anymore.
> in order to do that i have in my modules.conf file the following sentence
>  [authentication]
> module = authn_passthru
> [authorization]
> module = authz_allowall
> and in the cobbler_web.conf in the /etc/httpd/conf.d directory
> <VirtualHost *:80>
> # Do not log the requests generated from the event notification system
> SetEnvIf Request_URI ".*/op/events/user/.*" dontlog
> # Log only what remains
> CustomLog logs/access_log combined env=!dontlog
> WSGIScriptAlias /cobbler_web /usr/share/cobbler/web/cobbler.wsgi
> <Location "/cobbler_web">
>   AuthBasicAuthoritative Off
>   AuthType CAS
>   AuthName cobbler
>   AuthLDAPUrl "ldap://ldap1.int-evry.fr/dc=int-evry,dc=fr";
>   require ldap-group CN=s2ia-isr,Ou=Groups,dc=int-evry,dc=fr
>   Require valid-user
> </Location>
> when i try to log i m redirected to my SSO banner i log in it but after
> i got the cobbler banner instead of going passthru.
> when i look at the apache logs i see that i m authenticated
> - doutrele [02/Nov/2011:09:02:49 -0500] "GET
> /cobbler_web/ HTTP/1.1" 200 1060 "-" "Mozilla/5.0 (X11; Linux i686)
> AppleWebKit/535.7 (KHTML, like Gecko) Chrome/16.0.912.0 Safari/535.7"
> but it seems that cobbler didn't care about that.
> does someone know how to solve that problem?

Yes, I noticed this the other day too... unfortunately since we moved
to form-based logins with the web interface, we're not using basic
authentication through apache, which authn_passthrough relies on. How
are you configuring apache for authentication? I've recently created
an authn_pam module (partially because of the breakage to
authn_passthrough), which should be able to replace anything you're
doing through apache.
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