So that message is about cobblerd (XMLRPC -- required for the client)
and not cobbler web... it can also be having SELinux connection
issues.  (httpd_can_netwrok_connect, etc).    Try temporarily
disabling SELinux and see if resolves itself.

The http_port setting does not mean what you expect it does --
Anaconda recieves files over http, and there isn't much point in
encrypting this as Anaconda does not support encryption (nor is
PXE/TFTP especially so either).   If you are worried about someone
M2M'ing your installer I suggest you use local installs.

If you wish to experiment with rewrite rules for cobbler web, that's
up to you...

On Tue, Jan 17, 2012 at 8:39 AM, Emyr James <> wrote:
> Hi,
> I've got cobbler up and running on Scientific Linux 6.1. It was working fine
> when I had the cobbler settings in my port 80 virtual host.
> I cut the cobbler settings out of the port 80 virtual host for apache and
> put them in to the port 443 virtual host (https) and now it doesn't work. I
> get ...
> httpd does not appear to be running and proxying cobbler
> Is it possible to get cobbler_web working under https only ? Ideally I want
> to have a rewrite rule in my port 80 virtual host so that anything that hits
> it gets redirected to https. I notice that /etc/cobbler/settings has the
> following line...
> http_port: 80
> I'd like to get this working via https only as I don't want the cobbler_web
> username & password being passed plaintext by the browser as this is open to
> attack by packet sniffing.
> Regards,
> Emyr
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