I have a problem with pxe starting a server when cobbler is NOT the dhcp 
server.  I am unsure why this is but here is the problem.

When you create a new server it creates /tftproot/pxelinux.cfg/$MAC_ADDRESS 
which is fine and works create on my other cobbler systems.  But since this one 
server is not the dhcp server I get a problem where when the kickstarted server 
requests its configuration it looks for the hex version of the IP address and 
not the mac address like in the other cobbler server setup.  Or example..  from 
my log

Mar  7 13:32:13 servername in.tftpd[22679]: RRQ from filename 

It does not look for the mac address ever.

Since cobbler does not make the hex version of the IP in this manner it kicks 
back an error saying it cannot be found.

I fix this by creating a symlink from the mac address to the hex version of the 
IP...  Then it works.

This breaks automation for cobbler.

Does anyone have any ideas on how to fix this?


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