my cobbler install (2.2.1) is having problems with the 'cobbler status'

It appears that the log files that get parsed are not getting the ip
address set and when it's parsed, there is an exception. I don't have that
exception right now, but it chokes on that field being assigned "None"
instead of an address. This install was upgraded from a 2.0.10 base which
already had system entries.

Issuing the cobbler status command, only reveals the current/last system to
be built. It is when I run the code by hand which is used in the file, that i get the exception. The cobbler status command
doesn't show an error other than only a single item being returned.

Any ideas where to look? I tried to find the code that writes to the log
file in question but no luck yet.

I do not have a way to update the install right now so I need to work with
what I have.

As always, any assistance is appreciated.

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