> I like that workflow, OTOH is it possible to make a right click on a
> cobbler tab that is maybe not the currently displayed tab, to be able
> to open it in a new browser window/tab with cobbler open at that
> cobbler tab. One could then "fan out" the total config for a system
> across a few browser windows/tabs. I guess I'm asking are the tabs
> URLs or anchors (like URL#advanced) on the page? - can't tell from the
> very nice picture
> thanks - looking forward to upgrading when stable (more me than cobbler)

Yes, the tabs are anchors (it's the JQuery UI tab widget), so you can
right click on them and break them out into new browser tabs and/or
windows. You can also link directly to the tab with a URL like this:


Which would take you to the second tab (Advanced, for systems). I may
have to look into seeing if I can have it remember which tab you were
viewing in the case of an auth token timeout...
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